Creating a clothing brand: all the keys you should keep in mind

create clothing brand

One of the eCommerce ideas you have may be to create a clothing brand. Your own clothing brand. If you have a style that attracts attention and that may interest, it is a good idea.

But how do you create a clothing brand? What should be done for it? That is what we are going to teach you next so that you fulfill that dream and, above all, so that everything goes well. Shall we start?

study the market

The brand should preferably also carry a logo

Creating a clothing brand is fine. It is a good idea. But you need to know what type of clothing you are going to sell, whether for children, youth, for adults, men or women, sports style...

There are many things to decide, but all this also goes through a market analysis. You need to know your competitors as well as your target audience. In the first case, you must know what they give and use it to improve what you give. In the second case, you have to get into the shoes of those people to find out what they are going to need or what they want from their clothes.

It may seem silly, or too complicated. But is not. It will take you time to research and analyze the information; but it will be worth it because you will find, on the one hand, the type of clothing brand that works; on the other hand, with the public to which you are going to address. And, as a bonus, you will have solid foundations.

Your own clothing brand… guaranteed

piece of clothing

This is something that not many do and it is a complete mistake. When you create something, such as creating a clothing brand, you have to choose a name that is distinctive, that recognizes your style and your brand. But, above all, that another company does not have it.

Imagine that you put Sweet Dreams on your brand. And suddenly you see on the Internet that there is already such a company. First, you confuse your customers; and second, if the other brand has it registered, they can sue you for using it.

So, when you decide on the name, check that nothing comes out on the Internet and by the OEPM (Spanish Patent and Trademark Office). Now, that doesn't work alone. We recommend that you register and/or patent the brand. It will ensure that others do not use the same name (and not take advantage of any reputation you may have), as well as protect your designs from others who want to copy you.

Of course, keep in mind that these procedures cost money. So try to be sure that they are not going to back you out (because you will lose that money and you will also have to pay again to start the process again).

Create a business plan

Yes, it will be tedious, cumbersome and long, very long. But from experience we tell you that it is the way to have everything that has to do with a clothing brand (or with any business) tied up and well tied up.

In this case, the investigation would already be underway, so you should continue with:

  • Business model. Where you make it clear what products you are going to offer with a view to one and two years. So you will see the evolution.
  • Internal and external analysis. The most likely internal is that you do not have it if you are starting and there is no website or it does not have data. But the external one should be focused on the competitors and on analyzing what their business model is like, what traffic they have, what strategy they follow, how they sell...
  • SWOT and CAME analysis. We recommend them because you will be able to see the values ​​of your business and potential capabilities that will help you give your idea more solidity.
  • Target audiences. You also have it developed, but in this case try to analyze it further, finding the general and specific benefits they are looking for from your products, the pain points they would have (to know how to attack them) and the objections they will raise.
  • Goals. The ones you want to achieve in the short, medium and long term.
  • Strategies. Product, price, distribution and communication. In other words, everything you are going to do to make your clothing brand known and sell.
  • Budget. An important part that you must make as realistic as possible. That means that you will have to put what the web costs you, hosting, maintenance, advertising, licenses, patent, registrations, shipments, etc.
  • Control. That is, tools to measure whether the web and the orders are on the right track.


Everything, the clothes, the page, your personal brand. It is a matter of implementing the plan you have drawn up and going step by step. Do not be overwhelmed or think that you do not arrive, just go doing tasks and crossing off what you have to do.

Wanting to rush things will only make you lack or create problems, so mark a date on your calendar so as not to procrastinate, but not in the short term, but rather in the medium term.

If you overtake it later, there is no problem. better. But the goal is that you enjoy what you do.

In this sense, you will have to dedicate yourself to the design of your clothes (or entrust it to someone), but also to branding (your own brand) to advertise, have social networks, web, etc.

Look for collaborations and alliances

piece of clothing for men

To start being known, it is not enough to get money to promote yourself and that's it. Alliances or collaborations can also help you achieve this. Therefore, try to talk to people or companies that might be interested in your clothing brand and reach an agreement.

Of course, it is about making it known, so a small site is useless if you don't see that it has an audience there or that will reach your target audience.


The first benefits you obtain will not be many, but our advice is that you reinvest them in your business to continue obtaining results. During the first year, as long as you don't lose money, you can be satisfied that you get ahead. (even with zero profit). For a business to prosper and work, it takes at least three years to get it done.

And that implies that you have to be working during that time to achieve something.

Is it clear to you now how to create a clothing brand?

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