When you have a company and you create its website, you may also choose to add a corporate blog, that is, a blog in which you are going to deal with information related to the company, either internally or at the market level.
However, What is a corporate blog exactly? How is it created? What kind of content should it host? All that and more is what we are going to comment on below.
What is a corporate blog
Before learning how to create a corporate blog, or the tricks that it can have, it is necessary that you understand 100% what one is. We can define it as "That web page that has articles that are created by a company, institution or brand". These should be published on a regular basis and also be based on useful information for readers. What type of information? Always one that is related on a theme.
For example, imagine you have a corporate blog for a protein shake brand. The articles that would be of interest could be those related to the products, for example to praise their benefits, to talk about what they are made of ... But you could also do it about diets with protein shakes, how to prepare it, etc. That is, they are themes of the same theme but they do not have to focus solely and exclusively on what you sell, but also on what that product encompasses.
En general, the corporate blog is a means of communication that a company has with its users, where you can provide relevant information and content that endorses your products. Therefore, the people who should be in charge of these articles must be professionals, either from an internal online marketing department, an external agency or a freelance writer.
Steps to create a corporate blog
Now that you know what a corporate blog is, it is time to think about what you should do to create it because, if you do not take into account the different steps, it will not work for you.
Therefore, below we will talk about what you should do.
Design your strategy
Within the strategy you must have two very important aspects in mind: the objectives and the public.
The Goals that you should set yourself must be realistic and you should not focus only on the long term (because almost all the objectives that you will think will be met in the long term, be careful), but also in the short term.
For example, imagine that you want to create the corporate blog to have clients the first month. It would be a short-term goal, but is it realistic? Not much less. You must be aware that the results of a blog are not going to be seen from the first moment, they need time to act. Neither will it be good objectives to attract clients quickly or for the blog to have an audience of a million readers in 2-3 maximum. It is very difficult for you to achieve that, even paying for it.
With regard to the audience, you need to know who you are going to address in order to determine a content strategy and know the type of language to be used in the text or video (which is something that is increasingly used and on the rise).
Be aware of your resources
You are going to create a corporate blog, very good. But you need to know what resources you have. If you don't have anyone in the company who is a professional copywriter, no matter how much they like to write or do it well, they may not connect with the reader, or they may not understand SEO; and that will cause that the articles do not arrive where they should.
A copywriter for the texts, a designer for images, infographics, creatives; a social media to spread the posts ... Yes, you need all of that to get results. And no, an all-in-one is not worth it because the quality will suffer. If you allocate the right budget, you will get the right result.
Establish your content plan
Next, this step is perhaps one of the most important and that you should think very well. It is divided into several substeps that you have to take into account but, in general, we are talking about develop the strategy to be followed in terms of number of articles, when they are published, what will be the style, what depth of information will the articles have, length, images, types ...
We talk more in depth:
Blog style
You must define what style you want the corporate blog to have, that is, a formal, informal, colloquial, close ... For example, imagine that on the blog you talk about yourself and when they call you, you talk about yourself. The two styles do not marry, so you must unify it.
Publication calendar
It is important that you know when you are going to publish articles, and that these are before what may happen. Scheduling them will not only help you to organize yourself better, but to spread the content you will give advance notice to social media so that it can prepare publications that serve as a prelude to that content.
Depending on the type of company, it may be interesting to publish once every 15 days (2 a month) or even 1 a week. If it starts to bear fruit, you might reconsider increasing posts.
What you should keep in mind is that you do not leave it abandoned because a company that does not take care of its own may not give a good image to its users.
Traffic sources
Posting an article is fine, but it won't reach everyone if you don't move it. That is why you will have to define the different channels to get it, both social networks, newsletter, email marketing, other blogs, adwords, etc.
Define the metrics
In other words, tools that will measure the results you get with the blog to know if the content you make is relevant to your audience or you need to try something else.
Design the corporate blog
Another step to create the corporate blog is that same, design it. The vast majority of blogs are integrated into the website of the company, brand ... and they wear the same style, but there are times when you want to give it another design.
For this you must have a good web designer who knows how to work with codes to change the style and make it to the liking of what you want. Of course, it must follow the line that all other pages.