One of the common ways to publicize your eCommerce is through Facebook contests. With them you can reach a large number of audiences who sign up to participate and have the possibility of winning what you raffle. The better the prize, the more you can get.
However There are times when Facebook contests don't go the way you want them to. Therefore, today we want to leave you a series of tips to help you have successful contests that involve promoting your eCommerce with good results. Do you want to know how?
What are contests on Facebook
If you have browsed Facebook, surely in a profile of a friend or even in the suggestions that appear in the main panel of the social network you have noticed that they have shared a page and a giveaway. These are so-called contests on Facebook, a way to promote a page of Facebook to "reward" in some way the followers of the page (both current and new who, instructed by the contest, like and follow the page).
It is also a tool that many use to gain traffic to your eCommerce (because many, while they wait, visit your website and see what you sell), or to generate engagement (or what is the same, hook the followers and that feel cared for and appreciated). In addition, by using the reach of Facebook, we are able to reach many more people. Now, keep in mind that you are not always going to be successful. Although you do everything well, it may be the case that you do not get the result you expect. But it is inevitable, since you cannot predict 100% what will happen.
Facebook's rules for running contests
Because you use a different "platform" from your eCommerce, in order to create contests on Facebook you need to comply with the established rules. And these are:
- Make it clear what the conditions of the contest are. That is, who is going to win, if to participate you have to live in a certain place, have an age, or any other characteristic (that is not discriminatory, of course).
- Establish the legal aspects. In this case we refer to data protection, access to private information of the participants (and asking them to accept that this information can be used for commercial purposes).
- Exempt Facebook. Yes, you may run contests on Facebook, but the social network is not responsible for anything, despite being the platform where the contest takes place. In fact, it should also be made clear that Facebook is not sponsoring the contest.
- Limit the message. And there are several things that Facebook does not allow, for example, and something very common in contests: sharing the publication to participate; ask that other people be tagged; or self-tagging of photos.
Good tips for creating contests on Facebook
If you want to do contests on Facebook to promote your eCommerce, you must take into account important aspects. For example:
The goals you want to achieve
Gaining followers is not the same as driving traffic to your eCommerce. Each of them has a different purpose. In the first case, what you will do is have people who will follow your page and that you can build loyalty over time; In the second, you will generate traffic so that Google looks at you with good eyes (and thus you can start positioning).
As you can see, the objectives of what you want to achieve are important, especially because the other aspects will govern.
The target audience
To run contests on Facebook you need to know who you are going to address. Keep in mind that contests are going to give you a growth in followers and likes, but this does not always mean that they will generate sales. Therefore, you must establish your target audience to maximize that result you are looking for, especially if what you want is sales.
An attractive prize
Imagine you put contests on Facebook to win… a bookmark. Well, a priori, few people are going to sign up because you are not giving a prize that attracts people, or worthwhile for liking or making other interactions.
All that said, the best tips we can give you to create contests on Facebook are these:
Don't ask for too many things
In Facebook contests, you shouldn't ask too much. When you force people to do 3-4 things to participate, the simple fact of having to worry about complying with everything makes people pass the contest, because they do not see that the prize is worth the time they are going to invest (even if it is little).
Therefore, it tries to simplify their participation as much as possible so that they do not bother doing it, but that they like it because they feel cared for (and not exploited or that they are a way for eCommerce to have free advertising).
Be careful with the details
You did a contest, great. But, Have you set the deadline and how will the winner be chosen? Sometimes a big problem of these is that people think that there is "tongo". So, when holding the contest, always put all the rules that govern it so that they know how it is going to be carried out.
And try to be as objective as possible.
Offer a consolation prize
Unfortunately, in Facebook contests like anywhere else, there are usually 1-2 winners and that's it. But imagine that 2000 people participate. Or 20000. Only 1 winner out of so many seems like a joke. Also, many, when they see that there are so many participants, they stop trying.
Therefore, as far as you can, try to offer everyone a consolation prize, which can be a discount to buy in your eCommerce. That way, you will be offering a detail for those followers who have participated. And starting to build loyalty.
This award you can announce it in the contest rules (especially if you estimate that you are going to have a large audience) or do it by surprise for all who have participated. And how to deliver the detail? Well, you have two options:
- Use the data you collect for participating in the contest (in this case the name and email).
- Place a publication with that detail. The only thing that those who have not participated could also benefit from that consolation prize. And then it would not be a prize for those who have taken the trouble to participate.