Consumer rights in online purchases

Consumers have a series of rights to their purchases that should govern these business processes. Consumer rights in online shopping are also recognized, and all this despite the fact that in some cases this reality may be ignored in relations with the consumer sector. Well, in order that you can protect your personal interests against any acquisition through the Internet, we are going to offer you in a simple and practical way what are the tools that you have to guarantee these online operations. In the purchase of audiovisual material, beauty products or any kind of clothing.

From this general scenario, it is only possible to list and explain some of the most basic rights that you have when completing an online purchase. Whatever its nature and the object of the acquisition. In any of the cases, everything passes through the inalienable right to know the real identity of the seller. Not in vain, it is an obligation that is recognized by the current regulations regarding consumption in Spain.

Therefore, when making a purchase on a web page, the following business data should appear:

  • The NIF number.
  • Its corporate name.
  • The data or contact information.

If for any reason they do not appear, you will have no choice but to distrust the seller and for which you should not accept the commercial proposal that they make to you from the network. This is that simple because it is part of one of the basic rights of the consumer in their online purchases. To the point that you can take unnecessary risks in the online operation that you intend to formalize.

Consumer rights: know the conditions in your hiring

Other requirements that e-commerce companies must provide is to offer customers extensive information on the conditions of the contract. This aspect is very relevant because it affects many and varied conditions, among which the following stand out:

  1. Shipping costs: they must provide the total cost of the operation or purchase, including transport, home delivery or other phases in this process.
  2. Delivery deadlines: it will be information that must be provided directly from the online store. That is, the waiting time until the product arrives at your home: 1, 2, 6 or even more days. Because if it is not this way, you will have a valid period of up to 30 days until you receive the shipment at your address or the place you have indicated in the order.

Some precautions to take:

If you do not want to have any other problem with Internet purchases, it will be very important that you analyze in detail all the conditions in your hiring. In order that these sections are duly reflected in the contract. If you are not very clear about this factor, you must communicate it to the company or, on the contrary, choose another offer that offers you greater transparency in the information.

In this sense, you must anticipate that if you do not have it within the agreed deadlines you have perfect right to refund. That is, if there is an unjustified delay in delivery. Whatever the amount of the operation or the characteristics of the purchase.

Protection of your personal data

If Internet shopping is characterized by something compared to other more conventional or traditional marketing channels, it is because you are exposed to leave more traces in operation. Both in terms of registration and the tracks you leave while browsing. If you do not want them to be used by third parties (or by the same sales company), you will have no other solution than to request their elimination.

You will also be in a position to not be included in direct marketing lists where you can be sent emails, advertising or other materials for the promotion of sales. Through a section on the website that preserves your interests against the most aggressive commercial strategies by this class of companies in online sales.

While on the other hand, it is always convenient to remember that if you want they do not have to send you any kind of advertising. But you will have to sue it before placing the order in consumption. In any case, the company will have to inform you of any kind of strategy in its loyalty policy.

Right to make a safe and reliable purchase

One of the aspects that generates the most controversy in Internet sales is related to payment methods. Usually virtual stores that offer several alternatives to carry out this action. They do not have to impose any specific one on you, but current legislation protects you so that you can choose the payment system that best suits your personal characteristics.

The payment process, on the other hand, must have special vigilance at the time of making the movement on account. Where you should never miss some of these actions from the company's website:

  • Having a security certificate that endorses the operation without any problem. Because unfortunately you can find stores that do not provide this guarantee.
  • Check that the web page you have a lock enabled in the address bar. It is very easy to detect and will be the best sign that the whole process is developing as you expected from the beginning.
  • A little trick to show that you are dealing with a secure domain consists of the address of the store. It should start with https: it will be the best way for you to know that you are not in front of an illegal or fraudulent store.

If you see that where you are going to buy provides all these signals, congratulations. You will be in perfect condition to make the purchase without any type of risks or incidents that may affect the acquisition of any commercial product.

Product guarantee

You may not know it, but both physical purchases and through the Internet, you offer a guarantee in the commercial operation of two years. For all kinds of products or services and that will automatically be executed in the client file. In any case, it may happen that in some stores they give you the opportunity to not have this period in exchange for a small discount on the item.

This will be a decision that will depend entirely on your personal interests. Because of any incident, both technical and logistical, it will not provide you with any protection against incidents that may develop in the purchase.

It is always convenient to take advantage of this clause to avoid unexpected situations on the part of the clients. Especially, for product purchases abroad or simply because they are very complex in their repair. It is a right that is also contemplated by current consumer legislation.

Maximum return period

If e-commerce is distinguished for something, it is because of its greatest problems in returning the purchased item. Forget about this wrong approach right now as you have the right to change it into a period of time up to 14 days. If you claim it in these terms, do not doubt that you can really demand this right from online consumers. But more importantly, without having to justify this decision you have made.

With a small difference and that is that if the season is as a consequence of a technical incident or product malfunction, the operation it won't cost you a single euro. Neither in the transportation costs generated by this change. Unless the online store specifies another action on its website. In order not to take any negative surprise, you will have no other solution than to check the conditions of this commercial operation.

While on the other hand, it is very convenient to remember that in this aspect there are no differences of special importance, between what is a face-to-face store and another digital one. Your rights in both cases are guaranteed from the beginning. As one of the guarantees available to Spanish consumers.

Receive personalized information

Another right that users have, although in this case, with greater complexity in its application, is the one that is directly linked to the opportunity to receive personalized attention. In this sense, current regulations in the electronic commerce sector open the possibility for customers to contact the digital store. For this reason, this class of businesses must incorporate one or more of the following contacts on their web pages:

  • Email address from the business and never from a private address.
  • Landline or mobile phone number within the national territory.
  • Other forms of personal communication: social networks, face-to-face offices, etc.

So that they can be used by customers to establish direct communication or directly generate a faster response from the company.

If for any reason, this information is not present, it will be necessary to be suspicious of its intentions. Or at least for violating a part of the rights that consumers have.

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  1. Responsible for the data: Miguel Ángel Gatón
  2. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management.
  3. Legitimation: Your consent
  4. Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties except by legal obligation.
  5. Data storage: Database hosted by Occentus Networks (EU)
  6. Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information.

      Jose said

    I bought a remote control on a website to which I verbally consulted if the ref of mine, although two digits were missing, and the one offered were compatible, which they confirmed to me that they were. Upon receiving it, check that it was not like that and communicate your return but they want to charge me the amount of this. Is it legal since it has been an erroneous product or lacking in functions?