Recently, the Cetelem Observatory has presented its annual report on eCommerce 2014, in which he analyzes the e-commerce in Spain During last year. In this article we will see some of the most important data in this report and we will analyze the most relevant conclusions for the sector that are derived from this study.
The data analyzed and the reflections shown in this study have been obtained from conducting personal interviews with a selection of experts and entrepreneurs in e-commerce in Spain, as well as an online survey of 1.343 Spanish consumers. In this new Cetelem study Online purchases in different distribution sectors are analyzed for the first time, covering the entire purchase process carried out by Spanish consumers in this channel.
It should be noted, first of all, that the average expense of Spaniards in online purchases amounted to 1.330 euros in the last year. Among the most used means of payment, PayPal stands out, chosen by 71% of Spaniards to pay online. This is followed by the debit card (51%;) bank transfer (24%) and cash on delivery (24%). With regard to credit cards, only the end-of-month payment method is widely used, with 20% of online shoppers claiming to have paid for any of their purchases with it.
The services and products most in demand onlineAccording to the Cetelem Observatory 2014, it was travel (57%) and ticket sales (54%). The purchase of tablets and smartphones is the next group (48%), followed by the purchase of household appliances and computer technology (44%) and books and CDs (43%).
If we make a segmentation, In the first place, it stands out that in the case of purchases made in electro / technology, it is men who stand out with 48,8% compared to 43% of the average. However, in the case of travel, it is women with 63,8% who stand out above the average, surpassing the national average by 6,8 percentage points. In the case of purchases related to telecommunications, it is men (52%), mostly aged between 35 and 44 years (52, 2%), who stand out above the average.
For 98% of Spaniards, their home is the place where they carry out their online shopping. 76% declare to buy only through the computer. It should be noted the number of consumers over 45 who buy online, which stands at 85%. The next option chosen to buy online is through both devices, computer and smartphone, with 13%, being the youngest (18 to 24 years) those who are above the average, with 16%.
Another fact that stands out is that 9% of the surveyed population declared having financed some of their buy online in the last year, being 843 euros the average amount financed. Similarly, 54% of Spaniards claim to have bought a product from an individual through the Internet at this time, as well as 55% of them admit to being influenced for the final online purchase by the so-called "discount vouchers".
The average amount spent on purchases made in this channel in the last 12 months, regardless of the sector in question, is € 1.330. It is those aged between 35 and 44 who declare the highest expenditure (€ 1.798), thus standing out above the national average.
Analysis of electronic commerce in Spain by sectors
Travel, tickets, telecommunications
After Ticket Sales, the sector telecommunications (tablets, smartphones, mobile accessories, etc.) is the most demanded online purchase. 48% of consumers surveyed have purchased a telecommunications product through this channel. Among consumers who have purchased telephony online, 59% opted for the internet purchase of a smartphone from brands other than iPhone or Samsung.
The electronic accessories, such as headphones or cases, are the next in the ranking, with 35% of responses, followed by 26% who state that they have purchased memory cards on the Internet. With regard to Samsung brand smartphones, 16% declare having purchased this product on the online channel. iPhone, at least in the online channel, is less acquired, only 8% declare to have bought an Apple smartphone on the internet. The tablets were purchased by 15% of respondents.
Home appliances, technology and computing
44% of consumers surveyed declared having bought an electronic or technology product online in the last 12 months. Technological or computer products have been the most purchased on the Internet with 69% of mentions, the average declared expenditure being € 291.
Small household appliances (PAE) are the next most purchased goods on the Internet; This is stated by 32% of online shoppers, with the spending allocated to € 102. 18% have bought brown range online, spending an average of € 386. The white range is purchased by 11% of those surveyed, the average spending being the highest in the sector with € 442 on average.
Regarding the ranking of the products within this sector with the greatest intentions to purchase online, technology / computer science appears in first place with 49%, followed by small household appliances (PAE) with 15% and the brown range with a eleven%.
El events sector It is one of the sectors with a significant boom in recent years, as regards electronic commerce. Currently, 33% of the consumers surveyed claimed to have contracted some type of event through the online channel in the last year. Of all the events that the respondents have contracted online, the highest percentage is represented by the organization of birthday parties, for 55% of consumers, which, as in offline (52%), is the event with the highest percentage registered .
After birthday parties, the most contracted events are other types of events such as company celebrations or meetings with friends, for 37%. In the last positions, with percentages below 6%, we find weddings with 6%, communions with 5% and baptisms with 4%.
The average expense of those who have declared having contracted some type of online event in the last twelve months, amounted to € 453. Where we can highlight that it is a low amount if we compare it with the € 3.395 that consumers spent on booking events through the offline medium.