Conclusions of the VI Annual Mobile Marketing Study: Advances and Trends

  • 87% of Internet users in Spain own a smartphone, with Samsung and Android leading the market.
  • Users spend more than 2 hours a day connected to mobile devices, with apps and social networks being the main access methods.
  • 45% make purchases directly from their mobile phones, with leisure and fashion standing out as key sectors.

Conclusions of the VI Annual Study of Social Networks by IAB Spain

IAB Spain presented the conclusions of the VI Annual Mobile Marketing Study. This report, prepared by the Mobile Commission In collaboration with The Cocktail Analysis, offers a comprehensive overview of the prevailing trends and the evolution of the mobile marketing in today's market.

El study highlights significant progress that reflect how users interact with their mobile devices. For example, more and more people are using their smartphones to search for product information, compare prices and read reviews before making purchases. In addition, it is observed that almost half of users (45%) have completed transactions from their mobile phones during the last year. Another important finding is that the 90% uses the mobile phone while watching television, with a 25% using it as a tool for interaction on social networks or messaging applications.

Analysis of the conclusions of the VI Annual Mobile Marketing Study

# 1 - Technological equipment and connectivity

mobile eCommerce optimization

Technological equipment in Spain continues to show remarkable progress:

  • El 87% of Internet users own a smartphone, representing a 56% of the total Spanish population. Among young people in 18 to 25 years, this figure reaches 95%, while among adults of 46 to 55 years reach the 80%.
  • Samsung leads the market with a penetration of 38%, followed by Apple (13%), Sony (12%) and LG (10%). In terms of operating systems, Android dominates with an overwhelming 79%, followed by iOS (13%) and Windows (4%).
  • The use of tablets has also grown significantly, with a 57% of Internet users using them daily, consolidating them as important tools for digital consumption.

# 2 - Internet access

The use of mobile devices as the main means of accessing the Internet is a consolidated trend:

  • Users They spend an average of 2 hours a day connected to the Internet through their smartphones. 4G connections already represent the 25% of the market, indicating a notable improvement in the speed and quality of mobile networks.
  • Access through applications It is just as popular as the use of web browsers: the 70% of users use both routes to navigate.
  • Activities like instant messaging (77%), Email (70%) and social networks (63%) They continue to be the ones that carry the most weight when using mobile devices.
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# 3 - Mobile advertising: email and display

mobile consumer behavior 2024

Mobile advertising is gaining prominence among users:

  • El 83% of Internet users check their email from their mobile at least once a week, and a 50% check promotional emails daily.
  • Of those who open promotional emails on mobile, a 30% He/she reviews them again on a larger screen to complete his/her purchasing decision.
  • The most popular advertising formats effective These are those that offer direct discounts or redirect to specific pages with more information about products and services.

# 4 - Apps

Mobile applications have established themselves as tools for interaction and consumption:

  • WhatsApp leads the ranking of applications most used, with a penetration of 70% among users, followed by Facebook (50%) and Instagram (26%).
  • The growth of platforms such as YouTube e Instagram has been significant, consolidating themselves as a reference in access to audiovisual content and social networks from mobile devices.
  • In the application segment of E-commerce, a considerable increase is observed, driven by the wide acceptance and ease of concluding transactions.

Using mobile phones to buy from catalogues and advertisements

# 5 - Second Screen

The second screen is a trend that has redefined multimedia consumption:

  • The 90% of Internet users use their mobile phone while watching television, and the 79% use tablets for simultaneous activities.
  • Social networks and the email are the most common activities carried out in parallel with television.
  • Un 26% of users comment on social networks or instant messaging applications about television content while they are watching it.

# 6 - Purchase

The mobile phone is established as an essential tool for purchasing decisions:

  • El 90% of Internet users use their mobile phone to search for information that influences their purchasing decision, such as features, prices and opinions of other users.
  • El 45% of users have made purchases directly from their mobile device, focusing on sectors such as leisure, travel, fashion and electronics.
  • Despite this, mobile payment in physical establishments is still at an early stage, with a penetration of 8%, although users who employ it show a high recurrence.
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This study not only highlights the growth of the mobile market in Spain, but also its ability to transform the hábitos de consumo and communication. In an increasingly digitalized environment, understanding these trends becomes key to business strategies that seek to harness the potential of Mobile Marketing.

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