Impact of the European Mobile Study on the automotive and retail sectors

  • Mobile Web: Spain leads in mobile retail websites, although it lags behind in responsive motor websites.
  • Apps: The automotive sector excels in developments for iOS and Android, while retail apps lack e-commerce functionalities.
  • Advertising: Spain stands out in the use of the "full page" format and in display for branding, but comes last in performance.
  • Features: Brands offer more capabilities on websites than in apps, such as store locators and test drives.

Conclusions from the European Mobile Study of Motor and Retail Advertisers

Recently, IAB Spain, the advertising, marketing and digital communication association in Spain, presented the European Mobile Study of Motor and Retail Advertisers. This report was produced in collaboration with BFI Europe and with the participation of nine national IABs (Austria, Bulgaria, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Turkey and the United Kingdom). In this study, the 25 brands with the highest number of brands were analyzed. advertising investment in the automotive sector and the 50 companies with the highest advertising investment in the retail sector in each of the participating countries, managing to audit more than 600 advertisers.

The main objective of this detailed analysis was to evaluate the adaptation of the mobile strategies of the main advertising brands in Europe and to compare the situation in Spain in relation to the rest of the countries in the European Union. Among the most notable conclusions, it is worth highlighting that motor brands in Spain are committed to the development of mobile apps, while retail stores mostly opt for the mobile webAnother significant fact is that brands usually offer more functionalities through web browsers than through applications, such as, for example, E-commerce or the option of Book driving tests. In addition, Spain leads the use of the advertising format full page, tripling the European average.

Motor Sector

Motor sector

In the automotive sector, several key findings were observed that position Spain both positively in some aspects and with areas for improvement in others:

Adaptation of the Webs

With regard to the adaptation of websites to mobile devices, Spain occupies the last position with respect to the European average of 78%, with only 44% of the brands adapted. However, countries such as Italy They lead this aspect with 92% of their brands with websites optimized for mobile devices.

If we analyze the responsive websitesSpain has a 52%, also below the European average. In this section, Italy stands out again with 100% of its brands adapted. This gap reflects a need for immediate improvement for the automotive brands in the Spanish market.

Features on the Webs

As for the functionalities, such as the store location, Spain is below the European average. However, in the option of Book driving tests Through the web, Spain is positioned above, something that indicates a particular interest of brands in this key aspect for consumers.

Loading Speeds

La loading rate of mobile and desktop websites also places Spain below the European standard. This element is crucial to offering a satisfactory user experience and improving SEO, so it represents a priority area for improvement.

Mobile apps

Spain leads the development of apps in the automotive sector, surpassing the European average of 68%. This leadership is found together with countries such as Austria and Italy. In the Spanish market, 100% of the brands develop applications for both mobile devices and tablets in the operating system iOS, while 84% design applications for Android.

Display Advertising

At the advertising level, Spain stands out in the use of display formats for branding, reaching 48%, second only to Italy with 52%, compared to the European average of 25%. In contrast, in terms of display for performance, Spain is at the bottom of the European list with only 4%, well below the average of 16%.

Regarding the advertising format full pageSpain leads with 40% usage, tripling the European average of 14%. This figure underlines the preference of Spanish advertisers for formats with a high visual impact.

Retail Sector

Retail sector

The retail sector in Spain has distinctive features that position it as one of the most advanced in Europe in certain aspects, although it also has some improvement opportunities.

Adaptation of the Webs

Spain positions itself Leading the way in mobile retail websites, sharing the lead with the United Kingdom and slightly exceeding the European average. However, countries such as the Netherlands, Poland and Italy are leading in the development of responsive websites.

With regards to locating stores via the web, Spain stands out as the undisputed leader with 92%, compared to a European average of 64%. This aspect is crucial to improve the customer experience and facilitate their purchasing decisions.

Also, on websites with functionality E-commerce, Spain reaches 62%, being surpassed only by the United Kingdom. This reflects solid progress in the integration of digital platforms for online sales.

Mobile apps

In the development of mobile applications, Spain is in the European average, with plenty of room for growth. Despite this, it is lagging behind in the incorporation of functionalities such as E-commerce within the apps, an aspect that limits the potential of these platforms for boost sales.

Display Advertising

In the retail sector, Spain also shows some limitations in the use of display advertising for performance, with only 4%, compared to the European average of 9%. However, it is in line with the European average for display branding.

Spain stands out again in the use of the advertising format full page, where it leads with 40%, tripling the European average. In addition, there is a wide use of the format 320 × 50, which makes viewing on mobile devices easier.

Advances and Challenges

The study also highlights that retail brands offer more functionality through their browsers than through apps. This reflects a need to improve the user experience within apps, especially when it comes to e-commerce and personalization.

This report highlights the technological advances in digital marketing and advertising strategies in the automotive and retail sectors in Spain. At the same time, it identifies important areas for improvement, especially in terms of loading speed, development of apps with complete functionality and greater investment in display advertising for performance. These factors will be decisive for brands to consolidate their presence in the European digital market.

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