Since social networks emerged, many have tried to exploit them in order to achieve a larger audience. They all want their network numbers to be high, for there to be many interactions with users and, above all, for this to be reported in product sales. But unfortunately not all of them succeed. However, there is companies that use social media appropriately.
In fact, there are even cases of companies that have succeeded thanks to them. So today we are going to be practical and tell you about cases of companies that use social networks to connect with their audience and, furthermore, are successful. Do you want to know how to do it for your eCommerce?
Why bet on social networks in your eCommerce
When you start an online business, the normal thing is that you want to be in all the sites on the web. On your website, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram, on Pinterest… And yes, that's fine, but you make a mistake. And a very serious one: use the same message for all social networks.
Let's take an example. You have a person who follows you on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin. And you post the same message on all three networks. All equal. So that person may think it is silly to follow you at all three, as you bombard him with the same message. What are you doing? Stop following you in two.
Now let's put another case. You have these three networks, but each one with a different message in text and in image. Don't you think that whoever follows you will want to know what you've put in other places? Because it will be different, because in one you can put a contest, in another a normal publication, in another a joke ...
This is one of the most common mistakes, just like opening a blog and copying other people's articles for your page. Apart from Google penalizing you, you are stealing work and that is not good for your brand.
But focusing on social media, they are important because is where your audience is. Most people are more accessible through social networks because you open channels of communication with them. Now, the important thing is to know how to connect. And for that, the examples of companies that use social networks effectively can give you guidance. Do we see them?
Companies that use social networks and are successful
Thinking about companies that use social networks can be a world. Virtually all companies today use them. But stand out in them and that they know you through those social networks there are not so many. In fact, here are some examples of it.
Ford, of the companies that use social networks to connect
Ford is one of the first examples we can give you of companies using social media correctly. And it was a pioneer in offering what they call as "Ford Social". It is a special channel where people can offer ideas for them to take into consideration and develop sustainable projects.
It is a way of involving your users in something that they can do.
This company with a foreign name is actually Spanish. It is a brand of glasses created in Alicante that has managed to revolutionize the eCommerce world. And he has done it through social networks. What did? Well he invested a large amount of money in Facebook Ads to advertise and reach the expected customer. In addition, he got the collaboration of celebrities who took photos with their glasses and that allowed many to want to imitate their celebrities, buying the same product.
By offering the affordable products to customers, their sales went up even more. And their interaction through social networks is also constant.
Kenay Home
Who says companies can't succeed through social media? In this case, Kenay Home triumphed on Instagram. What he did was show photos with impressive quality and very attractive, which made users will ask for the furniture and decoration. And of course, these questions were not left unanswered, which allowed customers to feel as if they were shopping in a physical store, being attended at all times.
Any Coca-Cola post always has thousands of likes and interactions. And he does it because they they exploit feelings and emotions with the images and videos that are posted.
His texts are not as impressive as those two resources, and that is why people follow them. Remember that many of the Coca-Cola commercials on television hit hard, and you have had some ideas that are still remembered (such as that Coca-Cola is for everyone, for the highs, the lows…).
This orange company thought they could sell their products over the Internet. And of course, it started as anyone, wanting to be on all social networks. But the first year was not good. However, they did realize that on Twitter they had more interaction, and their posts worked better than on other networks, so they bet on it and They discovered that their target audience was more on Twitter than on other networks. In addition, they provided valuable content, and interacted with the followers.
What did it imply? That they began to be successful and now the sales of oranges through the networks are much better than those of that first year.
Qwertee, of the companies that use the networks getting interaction
This t-shirt company is not well known in Spain, or perhaps it is because it offers many bargains on t-shirts (at 4-5 and 6 euros). The good thing is that their designs are very original, you won't see them on T-shirts here. And they are of very good quality.
They use social media to bring those designs closer together, and to get interactions from all over the world. And since they ship everywhere, in addition to very affordable prices, they are a worldwide success.
Goiko grill
In this case, this company used Facebook to attract customers. And he did offering discount codes on the social network, in such a way that they rewarded the people who followed them. Thus, it grew, but also achieved interactions with its users, in such a way that it was as if you were establishing a conversation in real time, thanks to the fact that they were very aware.
Now, it is one of the best-known hamburger restaurants in Spain and it follows its policy of offering customers offers and discounts that they use in its restaurants. Because, for them, what prevails is the attention and the best quality service, even with discounts.
There are many more companies using social media successfully. Can you tell us the case of any of them?