What are the most used color ranges in an eCommerce?

Color ranges

When setting up an eCommerce, Did you know that the right range of colors can make you sell more? And if you make a mistake with the colors on your page, you will ruin the whole thing and you won't stand out as much.

Something that many do not pay attention to, the colors to choose, can mean selling or not selling. Therefore, how about we talk to you about this very important topic?

The psychology of colors


Maybe you've heard of it. Or maybe it's the first time. But according to psychology, each color transmits a series of emotions and sensations. And this is important for your page.

Each color expresses a feeling and at the same time transmits a series of sensations or relationships. For example, the color pink (in case you didn't know it was the masculine color before), evokes innocence, love... but it is identified with themes related to the feminine, the childish or the cheap.

Now, imagine that your eCommerce is selling luxury cars. And it turns out that you have chosen pink as the color for the website. Would it have any relationship? Well, if it's cars for women, yes. If it is cars for little girls, yes. But little more.

As you see, Choosing the right color range for an eCommerce store is not something that should be taken lightly.. It's actually more important than you thought.

How to choose the color range for an eCommerce


When designing an eCommerce website, you know that you are not going to use a single color. But it is not advisable to use a large amount because it will look more like a rainbow than what we want it to be, which is a store.

En general, One or two neutral colors are used, which can be grey, white or black, for text, to separate, etc. And one or two that are striking, that match each other and whose objective is none other than to attract people's attention.

You should place these in the parts that you are most interested in highlighting, such as buttons, forms, shopping cart...

The first thing you have to look at when choosing the range of colors is whether you already have a defined identity. That is, if it has a logo, if the name and brand of the store is already known in some way, etc. If so, that is your starting point because it is not advisable for you to change it, at least not at first so that they relate it to the new website.

Another point to take into account is the target audience. Depending on gender, age, nationality, etc. You will have some colors more suitable than others.

Finally, you must take the user experience into account. Or UX. That is, your eCommerce is a store where you can buy easily, you don't get lost, etc.

What are the most used color ranges in an eCommerce?

color gamut

Focusing directly on an online store, there are some colors that stand out from the others. Specifically, these would be:


The different shades of red They are suitable for a series of sectors in eCommerce. Which is it? Sports, real estate, fashion and textile products.

It doesn't mean that you can't use other colors, but they are usually identified by this tone.


First of all, you should know that it is said that orange is the best color to sell. Apparently, and according to neuromarketing, Orange is the color that generates more positive feelings in customers, which makes them more open to purchasing products.

Now, we are talking about a strong color, even in its range of colors. That is why many prefer to place this color only in CTAs (calls to action) and in carts.

Regarding sectors where color would be good, we could think of stores selling vitamins and herbal products, energy drinks or sports.


The green color range focuses above all on nature. By evoking that part of the environment, all eCommerce related to natural products, health, and even the home could be successful.


Here we find two types.

If it is a range of dark blues, it is better to focus it on the financial sector. In fact, if you look at some banks they use this color (La Caixa, BBVA...).

Now, if it is a sky blue (and similar), it goes very well with technology as well as children's fashion. Also with toy stores.


Yellow has always been thought to be an unlucky color. On television, for example, this is not usually used because it is said to be bad (few presenters dare to use it).

However, for an eCommerce website it can be a good idea. As long as it is related to entertainment. Especially video games, board games and any elements or products related to leisure.


The range of pink colors, as we have told you before, would focus on them. That is, they are recommended for eCommerce specialized in the topic of women: fashion, perfumes, cosmetics, aesthetics, feminine themes...


In the case of violet and purple, something similar to orange happens. They are very intense and bright colors, and it is not advisable to go overboard. However, those who use them combine this range of colors with pink because they are also related to feminine products.


Be careful, because an eCommerce in black, a priori, usually shows a feeling of luxury and power. The problem is that this relates to money. And a lot. Therefore, they are thought to be expensive products.

Even if you have very cheap prices on those products, potential customers may not trust you because they think it is a scam.


A website that is only white is very rare to see, because it is always combined with other colors to make it stand out. Therefore, we could say that white will be present in all eCommerce.

As you see, the range of colors is much more important than you might think. But if you manage to find the perfect one for your eCommerce You might find that sales are more likely to increase. Have you tried it?

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