Chatbot: Sell by speaking in an ecommerce as in physical stores

The chatbot

This would be  conversational commerce: interact with customers and respond appropriately to their needs. By communicating directly with the prospective consumer, there will be the possibility of better personalize each answer.

Sell ​​talking it has always been the standard, since stores are stores. But sell in a digital environment as if you were in a physical store, taking into account the possibility of speaking with someone to clarify doubts, ask questions etc. si it would be an advantage not to despise by those who want to increase sales.

Technology has moved in an interesting way in this area, artificial intelligence, natural language processing in several languages, and other modern techniques or devices, can allow ecommerce launch into implementation and conquest of conversational commerce.

The chatbot is today a virtual assistant that through a conversation, achieves support and help in various scenarios and tasks. Is a robot that talks or simulates talking with people, providing answers that come automatically.

In this case and for what concerns us, we are generally talking about programs with a multimedia user interface, although there are less advanced ones.

An ecommerce could use this tool to project a more personalized customer service, and allow its consumers new and fresh alternatives to solve their problems and doubts during the purchase.

It would not be the only way to achieve this objective, it is one more, a complement; but that is showing favorable results.

In 2016, eMarketer published a study that referred up to 30% of ecommerce users showing interest in this novelty, in order to solve doubts that they found in the interaction with the sales platforms.

There is talk of three basic ways to interact with a chatbot. Only through buttons without any language processing. Fully conversational and last but not least hybrid or mixed. The costs to be incurred for the business will be different depending on the advanced technology in each case in question.

It is a new trend for ecommerce, but if worth to follow and watch closely.

Let us remember that the new generations of buyers will not look back to choose or not between an online store platform, taking into account those that provide more benefits in the purchase process.

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