How to use GPT chat for your social media strategies

How to use chat gpt for your social media strategies

Since Open AI launched its GPT Chat at the end of 2022 and revolutionized everything, many things have happened. Artificial intelligence is now part of our daily lives. And although it is true that it can destroy jobs, it can also help people work. For example, using GPT chat for your social networks.

If you have an eCommerce and presence on several social networks, it is normal that you are always late for everything. But with GPT chat things can change. And this can be used to manage a strategy. Don't you know what we mean? Keep reading and you will see how it can help you.

How to use GPT chat for your social networks

work social network with AI

Chat GPT is one of the most well-known and used artificial intelligences. The fact that it seems that you are having a natural conversation with an intelligence, and that it can provide you with well-written texts (originality, verification of what it tells you, and some spelling mistakes, among other things, remains aside), makes that is pleasant to use.

But it can also help you with tasks that are somewhat heavier or that require time and knowledge to do so. Which is it? We list them below:

Create a social media calendar

Hasn't it ever happened to you that you went to publish on social networks but you didn't know what to post? It is normal when you have been publishing for a while because we run out of ideas and many times you are left looking at what to do and time passes without you deciding anything.

Well, with Chat GPT this can be solved. And you can ask him to give you an editorial calendar with topics for the publications.

For example, Imagine that you want your eCommerce to be published on social networks at least twice a week. That will make between eight and ten posts a month.

You can ask Chat GPT to give you ten posts for the social network you want and it will offer you those posts. Even if you don't like something, you can always tell him to change it for you.

If instead of posting twice a week you do it every day, You can also create a calendar based on the topics you want it to cover.

This way, you will know what to publish each day and you won't have to think. Although that doesn't mean that, if there is more current and important news, you can't do it.

Plus It has another positive thing: You will be able to schedule with more time because by knowing what to write, if you dedicate some time a day you could make several publications at the same time.

Write the content of the posts

work social networks with artificial intelligence

Imagine that you have to Publish content on Facebook about your shipping policy. But you don't have time to write it and you are about to make a copy and paste of that policy that you have on your page. Overall, it's well written there and it won't take you any time.

But, one of the uses of GPT chat for your social networks can be to use it to write that post (or any other one you need or can think of). You will see, The first thing GPT chat would need is to know your shipping policy, So by giving it the url or copying the text you are already instructing it.

The next step is to ask you, based on the previous information, to prepare a post for Facebook in which you tell what that policy is like in an informative but informal (or formal, humorous, etc.) tone.

The result may be what you were looking for, or it may not.. But you will already have a base to work with and make the appropriate changes so it doesn't take so long.

And whoever says social networks also says blog articles.

Find the best hashtags for your posts

Another use of GPT chat for your social networks is to search through this AI which are the best hashtags so that the publications you make reach a larger audience and, therefore, that you are known.

For example, if your eCommerce is fashionable, you could ask for a list of those hashtags and thus choose the most appropriate ones to use every time you are going to publish something.

Yes, Remember that there will be a type of specific hashtags depending on the social network. In other words, each social network has a series of keywords, so you have to do it one by one if you want it to be successful.

Reuse old content

If you have been with your eCommerce for a long time, it is normal that, if you have published a lot, you have a good list of posts that have already been published and have had better or worse acceptance.

Now, You could take one of them and reformulate the entire content. That is, it would talk about the same topic, only that, instead of the text you used, you would write another one.

But What if instead of writing it you did it in GPT chat? Well, that is what we propose to you, giving the text to this artificial intelligence so that it can create another publication with the same topic but with different words.

Create the FAQ for your business

Artificial Intelligence

In business, many customers may ask themselves the same questions. And responding individually to each one of them is tiresome and takes up your time.

So you can train GPT chat to help you give automated responses throught social media. Or to prepare a document with the majority of frequent answers that you receive to publish it on your website or on the networks.

Learn more about your client

Lastly, although in reality you can give many more uses to GPT chat For your social networks, another function that you can ask for is to know your client more in depth.

In other words, know what they are looking for, what pain points they have and what objections they have to not buy from you.

For example, Imagine that you have a bicycle eCommerce. You could ask who your target audience is, what problems they may have, what pain points and objections they raise, and how to present the solution (of your product, service...).

As you can see, using GPT chat for your social networks is not unreasonable. It will save you time, it will give you publications that you only have to edit and publish, and You can dedicate the remaining time to your business or your family.

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