There is a phenomenon that experts call "Uberification of the economy". This phenomenon consists of centralization of services and management through our smart mobile phones. And it is that what we can do with our devices is increasing, including applications such as Apple Pay, PayPal or Google Wallet they have gradually left debit and credit cards behind.
The facilities that these services have created have left many banks behind due to their security, practicality and low commissions, Not to mention that it is much more useful and simple when talking about international payments.
Imagine that you found the perfect product for you by coincidence while browsing the internet from your mobile. Determined to buy it, you realize that the store only accepts payment gateways by credit or debit card, and you don't have them with you at the moment. If you do not have payment services through smartphones in your store, your customers may find themselves in the same situation.
We as electronic entrepreneurs We must understand the importance of including new payment methods in our store. The virtual wallets they greatly simplify the purchasing processes, helping both consumer and seller to communicate and develop in a much more natural and fluid way.
With virtual wallets we do not have to wait long amounts of time for a payment to be accepted or rejected, nor are we forced to learn very long account numbers that can easily be confused.
If to all this we add the advantages of smartphones such as security through the fingerprint, portability, connection at all times and the ability to have multiple interrelated virtual wallets on the same device, we realize that including these payment methods in our online store is vital for our growth and development.