How to create a buyer persona

buyer person

Imagine that you have created an online business, a store in which you have put all your illusions and your money, and that what you want is that they buy a lot from you. But if we ask you who that ideal client is, you don't have much idea and you answer in a general way that anyone. That only implies that you have not defined your clientele, that is, you do not know how to create a buyer person.

El buyer persona is something like a representation of who your ideal customer would be, to whom are you going to focus all your marketing strategies to reach him. But what exactly is the buyer persona? How do you create a buyer persona? And do they really serve to develop a sales strategy? We want to talk to you about all this and much more below.

What is a buyer persona

What is a buyer persona

Before knowing how to create a buyer persona, it is very important to know what we are referring to with this concept and understand it as well as possible. A buyer persona is a "buyer persona", if we were to translate it directly.

It is a characterization of what we could consider an ideal client for us. In other words, and according to Hubspot, it would be "a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer."

Because it is important? Well, imagine that you are going to open an online toy store. Your customers are supposed to be children, but is that really the case? Although your products are focused on the smallest of the house, the truth is that your buyer person is not the children, but the parents of those children, who are really going to be the ones who buy from you. Therefore, when establishing a strategy, you cannot base yourself on writing "for children" but for "parents."

That model that is created is made through information about real users, to know how they behave with the products you put on sale, if they like them, if not, if it is good to bet on them, etc. In reality, the information you will have is: demographics, personal situation, attitude about the purchase, etc.

Why create a buyer persona

Why create a buyer persona

Now that you know a little more about this concept, you may wonder why you should create it. And although it is not clear to you whether it is really good or not, or how to do it, the importance of the buyer person is there, and it is real. Not only does it help you define your strategy, but it makes all your efforts go in the direction of that target audience that you have, that is, who may be most interested in what you sell.

But, in addition to that, you will get:

  • Offer adequate content to your customers. It is not the same that you go to a youth audience than an adult one, or a senior one.
  • Define the steps of your relationship with customers. In this case, you will be able to establish how to attract, convince and retain that customer. And you will only do it if you "speak the same language." We are not referring to the fact of speaking the same language, but rather that you understand the client's needs and that you offer them the solutions to what they are looking for.
  • You will have the keys to know which communication channels to use. Each group of people is usually more in one place or another. Therefore, knowing which communication channels to use will help you not to waste time on those that are not suitable, or that your target customer is only there minimally.
  • Your entire business will focus on your main customer. It doesn't mean that you can't sell to other customers; but it is true that your "grosso" is going to be this and, therefore, your entire brand will seek to empathize with that person, that buyer who identifies with the brand (it is the best way to achieve loyalty).

How to create a buyer persona step by step

How to create a buyer persona step by step

Although it may seem impossible, anyone can create a buyer persona. To do this, there are a series of steps that you must take into account so that the result is the most appropriate. These are:

Define the needs

Specifically, we talk about what are the needs that you have with respect to your customers. That is, what do you need to know about them. It may be that you only need to know if they are parents, if they are single or married, their age, etc. While it is true that the more information the better, you should also focus only on those most relevant data.

And how to get that data? Well for this you can establish a group of people with whom to research your new product. Another option is to hire the services of companies that handle data collection and thus obtain them based on your objective.

Another option is to collect that information from your own customers. This way you will create a database with the possible users that, in addition, you could build loyalty (because if they have bought you once, they might be interested in another).

Profile your buyer persona

Now you have all the information you need to create your buyer persona. But it is "raw" information. Now you have to really know the key points of that information. In other words, we are talking about establishing what the characteristics of that potential customer are.

Establish your strengths and weaknesses

Once you have defined your buyer persona, it is important to know, for your business, what you get right and what you sin. You have to establish what are the strengths of your business and the weaknesses, that is, those points in which you have to change things so that the Clients be satisfied with you.

Establish your buyer persona

Now you just have to summarize all the information you have to finish. There are many templates that you can use that help you see what is really important to you, so if you've never done it before, you can make use of them the first few times.

But remember, the buyer persona is not something "stable" but changing. There will be times when you will have to vary or rework this concept to adapt to the changes that arise. In fact, it may even be the case that you establish a buyer persona and a new more powerful group emerges in your business, so you will have to redo your strategy to focus on the one that can give you the most benefits.

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