Buy in the US through these websites

Buy in the US through these websites

Surely more than once you have seen a product in a store and have not been able to buy it because it is from the United States (and the shipping costs are too high, or they do not ship to Spain). Has it happened to you? Well, purchasing in the US through these websites can be a reality and the solution you were looking for to get that item.

Shall we tell you what it's about? And how can you do it? Then take a look at the article we have prepared for you.

Online stores in the United States, do they ship to Spain?

taxi through the streets of America

As with eCommerce in Spain, when you set up one you decide who you are going to send to, whether only in your city, community or country. But you could also make the decision to ship internationally to other countries.

The same thing happens in the case of online stores in the United States. You can find two assumptions:

  • That the store does ship to Spain, as well as to other countries, as long as it is the client who pays the expenses corresponding to that country (in the case of Spain, between 15 and 30 euros).
  • That the store does not ship to Spain, not even if the customer is responsible for the shipping costs.

Sometimes the "bargain" found in online stores in the United States is no longer such a bargain when shipping costs are added. But other times yes, and even when the order is large, shipping costs are not added. And that makes many pay attention to news that, in Spain, can take a long time to arrive.

But what to do if the store does not ship to Spain? Well, that's what the websites that we are going to propose below because they can help you in purchasing in the US through those websites. Shall we talk to you about them?

The alternative to buying in the US on websites that do not ship to Spain

United States dollar

Imagine that you have visited an online store in the United States and have seen a product that you would like to sell in your store. Plus, it is at a very affordable price. The problem is that the store does not ship to Spain…

In those cases, there is an alternative and it is websites with forwarding services. Have you heard of them?

These are websites or companies that allow you to make a purchase with an address in the United States and, when it is received, they are in charge of sending that package to Spain.

Let's see it with the previous example. It turns out that you want to buy 20 items of that product that you liked and you see potential for your eCommerce. Well, using a forwarding website, what you do is enter an address or delivery point with your name in an area of ​​the United States.

Once the package is received, the forwarding website processes the shipment to be sent to Spain to your address. And after a few days, you can have your purchase made in a store in the United States that does not ship to Spain in your hands.

Features of forwarding websites

Obviously, when using a forwarding service, you will have to pay for that service, whether it is a tax, a commission or both. What is said (and we do not know for sure if this will be the case), is that there would be no need to clear customs or pay taxes or tariffs.

The first shipping cost is from the US eCommerce itself, which is usually small because it is sent to the same country. The problem is the expense that shipping from America to Spain will entail.

Thus, the expenses would be:

  • Shipping costs in the USA
  • Shipping costs from the US to Spain.
  • Commission or payment for forwarding service.

Related to the latter, companies usually have several options, from subscription plans, if they are very frequent purchases, or a one-time payment if it is made punctually.

Websites with forwarding service

container with truck

Making a purchase in the US through these websites can ensure that you receive it in Spain, even if the store itself does not ship to your country. In fact, you have several options to choose from. Here we present some of them.


This is one of the most popular. It works in a peculiar way, and it forces you to pay a monthly subscription (regardless of whether it is a one-time purchase or several a month) for having an address in the United States and Europe. Through these addresses, you can place the orders you want in foreign stores and they will take care of it after sending it to you.

That is, first, You sign up on the page, pay the subscription and they give you an address in the United States and Europe. Additionally, in the shipping management section, you enter the address in Spain where you want to receive your orders and, when they are received at foreign addresses, they are processed to be sent to your home.

The positive thing about this website is that at all times you will know where your packages are, and you can even group them to pay less for shipping. They also offer you an estimate of the payment of customs or taxes or duties in case those packages are stopped.


Another website to trust when making your purchases in the US is this one. It is in English but allows you to shop, not only in America, but also in the United Kingdom. To do this, they offer you an address in those countries to receive your orders and then forward them to your home. What's more, on their website they promise to deliver those orders in just two to four days (instead of weeks as you might expect in other cases).

The website does not work by subscription or registration, but you have to pay based on shipping. It also has a calculator so you can determine how much it will cost you based on the weight and where that package should go.

Now, you may be misled by the fact that they have two types of accounts: Premium and Business. In reality, they are not accounts that allow you to make free shipping. They simply give you some advantages but the reshipping cost is paid separately.

ISC Reshipping

The last option we are talking about is this. This is a website in which, When you sign up, you get a United States shipping address (as they say, tax free).

Once the package is received there, they notify you so you can tell them where you want to receive it and when. To do this, they offer you a price calculation that has no hidden fees where you will see the cost of sending it to your country using known couriers such as Fedex, UPS or even through Post.

Regarding the accounts it offers, they are:

  • Free, which is the free one where you pay 7 dollars to process each order and you have 30 days of free storage.
  • basic, You pay $5 a month and each package you send costs $5 to process (with free 60-day storage).
  • premiere, where you pay 7 dollars per month and the processing of the packages will only cost you 3 dollars each. Storage in this case is 90 days.

Did you know the forwarding companies? Now you can buy in the US more easily using these services.

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