Find out what are the best times to post on Facebook

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Either because you are a personal brand, a company, you have a business..., social networks have become a must have to interact with potential customers. However, have you ever wondered what the best times to post on Facebook are? Or on other social networks?

In this case we are going to focus on Facebook, one of the most used social networks (for now the most) and what you should do to be more successful when publishing on it. Let's go?

Are the best times to post on Facebook reliable?

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If you investigate a little on the Internet by placing in the search engine "best times to post on Facebook", the most likely thing is that You will see many publications in which they give you the answer to this question. But do they all coincide with the time? The truth is that not always.

To give you an idea, on two different pages we have found the following:

  • The best times to post on Facebook are from 11 am to 3 pm
  • The best times to post on Facebook are 3-4pm, 6:30-7pm, and 8:30-9:30pm.

As you see, They are very different schedules, so much so that when one finishes the other tells you that it is better to publish it.

How to Determine the Best Times to Post on Facebook

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Depending on where you look, you will have a different schedule. But the truth is that a series of factors influence all this, such as:


By audience you must understand your public, since it is they who you will try to reach with your publications. That's why, When your audience is most active on Facebook is one of the most important factors to consider. If your audience is mostly in a specific time zone, you should post at times when they are most active.

And that apart from those better hours.


Activity patterns may vary by day of the week. For example, users may be more active on Facebook during weekdays compared to weekends.

Now, in this we can pay a little more attention to what we find on the Internet because almost everyone agrees on the same thing. The best days to post are from Wednesday to Friday, being Monday and Tuesday the worst in which you can do it. Keep in mind that those days are close to the weekend, that you return to work and the normal thing is that you have accumulated tasks that, with luck, you take away Monday and Tuesday, in such a way that from Wednesday you would be more free.

Type of content

El type of content that you post affects the best posting times. For example, if you share news, you may have better results posting during the day, while if you share entertainment content, it's better to post at night.

In this case you have to see what sector you are in to know a little about the patterns of your potential customers. If it is a newspaper, being updated at all times is essential. But if it is an online store, it is best to focus on the afternoon and evening since that is when we can spend more time reviewing stores, products, comparing, etc.


What does your competition do? When do you post? What time do you do it? It is important Consider when your competitors are posting to make sure you're not posting at times when you're competing for your audience's attention.

We do not want to tell you with this that you avoid them. But if you're just starting out, posting at the same time can prevent you from reaching that audience you want (and that you can share with them). So it is better to attack another schedule even if, after a while, you post at the same time. Of course, we recommend that, if you do well in that first schedule, keep it and, from time to time, attack your competition's to see if there are changes and if the conversion of followers increases.

Holidays and events

During holidays and special events you may audience activity patterns change, so you should adapt your posting hours accordingly.

For example, imagine that there is a bridge that spans from Wednesday to Friday and engage with the weekend. However, we have already told you that weekdays are usually better. But, and in this case? Well, since there are so many vacation days, it is normal for people to disconnect from social networks, so posting on those days, even with schedules, can be difficult to increase reach.

So, do I stick to the schedules?

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Well, the truth is that no. Yes, we have given you dates, times, days... but the truth is that Everything we have told you will depend solely and exclusively on your clients.

We give you an example. Imagine that we tell you that you have to publish daily at 10 in the morning because that is when Facebook has the most traffic. But your "customers" are children, which means that your target audience is not at that time, but studying in schools and institutes.

Do you understand what we are referring to? You don't have to pay so much attention to establishing a general Facebook schedule, but a specific one for the people that interest you. And how is that done? Mainly, with the statistics that your page gives you.

In it you have a special section in which you can see what are the times when more people have reached your page. That way, if you post a little before that time, you'll get them to see new content every time they sign in.

Another option that also you can use are the external tools where they can tell you the best time to post on Facebook, as well as in other social networks. Some even analyze your competition to find out what hours they publish and if they are doing well. Of course, they are approximate, you should not believe the data 100% because, as we say, they are external instruments that have limited access to data (and they usually make a general average).

As you can see, the best hours to publish on Facebook have some tricks and you have to customize those hours and days to publish based on your clientele, not in a general way. It is the same as if you wanted to publish for a Latino audience and you did it in Spanish time. You have doubts? Ask us and we will try to help you.

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