These are the best eCommerce podcasts you should listen to

Best eCommerce podcasts

Podcasts are increasingly on everyone's lips. They are the new way of obtaining knowledge and connecting with users due to their functionality. So, have you considered listening to some of the best eCommerce podcasts.

Next we want to talk about some of them. They will provide you with knowledge and will also give you different versions so that you can apply it to your business and obtain results. What would be the best? For us, the following:

eCommerce news

We start with one focused directly on the e-commerce from Spain. That is to say, if you are looking for someone who has knowledge of Spanish, who knows what is said can be useful for your business in Spain, then this could be the one.

In it you will find the news of the sector, news that are important, interviews, reports, advice… Everything that is covered in the programs is quality content and offers different ways of consuming that information.

You can listen to them on iVoox, Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Shopify Masters

Shopify Masters Audible_Font


If you have set up your eCommerce, or are in the process of doing so, surely Shopify sounds familiar to you. It is one of the options you have to set up your online store. But what you may not know is that they have their own eCommerce podcast in which they do interviews with business professionals, as well as specials on important topics such as where to earn more income, how to improve your personal brand, how to use artificial intelligence...

It is worth giving it an "ear" and see if it helps you in your business.

The effective eCommerce podcast

This is another one of the best eCommerce podcasts you can listen to. Talk about digital marketing and sales strategies for stores. And what will you be able to hear? Well, on the one hand, interviews carried out with e-commerce professionals. On the other hand, information about various areas whose objective is none other than to improve the business you have.

The podcast is presented and managed by Alicia Macías, an eCommerce and digital Marketing consultant, with more than 25 years of experience in the sector.

eCommerce ecosystem

We continue with the best eCommerce podcasts to introduce you to this other one, eCommerce Ecosystem, directed by Javier López.

In it you will have tools, news, tricks and advice to undertake in your online store or so that, the one you have, goes much better. This already tells you that it focuses directly on the business, although it can deal with other areas (such as advertising, campaigns, marketing, etc.).

growth hackers

Growth Hackers Source_Spotify


In this case, by the name, you might not identify it as an eCommerce podcast. But the truth is that it is, and one of the longest-lived and most complete you can listen to.

It is true that it focuses above all on online marketing strategies, but since your business is an online store, everything that is said in it will help you. In addition, he not only talks about electronic commerce and how to better manage it, but also about trends, the future, startups...

Each of the podcasts is minuted with the contents that have been given, which helps you to see them before and listen to the parts that interest you if you have little time.

Local Businesses

Managed by Laura Alfonso, this is one of the best eCommerce podcasts if you want to focus on local SEO. That is, look for strategies to get more customers and that your online business is known but focusing on a physical one.

For example, imagine that you have a plant store and that you also sell online. You could do local SEO so that customers locate your store and go through it, or simply to improve the positioning and visibility of your business on the Internet.

eCommerce talks

We continue with e-commerce podcast, and digital marketing. In this case, you have not too long chapters in which there are testimonials and advice from professionals and specialists in specific topics.

In fact, each podcast has a specific theme that is the focus of everything. The good thing is that they deal with aspects that are not so well known, or that are very specific, so you could have valuable information if it is the sector in which you operate, or a topic that interests you for your eCommerce.

School of Marketing and Web

Although it is not directly focused on eCommerce, you do have one of the best digital marketing podcasts and many of the interviews and training that are in the episodes you could put it into operation in your business.

And it is that you can talk about advertising, social networks, brand strategy, copywriting, visibility...


Web Camp Fuente_Borja Girón


Managed by Emilio García, it is one of the best SEO podcasts, and in case you don't know, this is something that will make you get more visits through Google, it doesn't matter if it is a web page or an eCommerce, which would be your home .

That is why we recommend it to you because in it you will learn a lot about those "little things" that you can do to make your online store rank better.

shut up and sell

With that “imperative” name, you have another of the best eCommerce podcasts focused mainly on trying to improve your website sales. To do this, it helps you apply digital marketing strategies with which to achieve the objective.

It is managed by Gerardo Rodríguez and is one of the best, especially because it goes into practice, not so much theory.

digital entrepreneurs

José Miguel García is an entrepreneur and digital marketing consultant. And he has a podcast. In it, he not only talks about marketing, but also about SEO, email marketing, gives you business strategies and also interviews digital entrepreneurs.

Although the topics may be more general and not so specific for an eCommerce, the truth is that you will learn a lot and you will see another way to undertake on the Internet and achieve results.

As you can see, there are many better eCommerce podcasts. Surely you even know some more or can recommend it. If so, leave it to us in comments so that others can enjoy it and above all discover tips to improve their e-commerce.

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