Email-based marketing it is of utmost importance for any Ecommerce business. But it is essential that when you send emails to your customers, these messages stand out from the hundreds that that same customer receives. There is also mistakes in email marketing that you should avoid.
1. Send emails from ""
E-mail addresses like these are not convenient and they are not welcome. If you send emails from this type of addresses, you will probably have a low open rate. You should always send emails from an address that your customers can respond to, making sure to include all telephone numbers and links to social networks.
2. Send messages based only on images
This is another common mistake in the email marketing and that you should avoid completely. The reason is simple, as only 33% of email subscribers have the image display. This means that your message will only be displayed with a large blank space and customers will not know what you are saying.
3. Do not link to your Ecommerce site
El purpose of email marketing is to get customers to click on your Ecommerce business. The problem is that if your link directs them to the home page, they are unlikely to scroll through your site to find the offer. Therefore your messages must include at least one link that links to a landing page.
4. Do not segment or customize
Segmentation can be basic or complex, but if you segment your subscriber list into different groups and customize the messages for each reader, you will see higher click-through rates and many more engaged customers.
5. Ignore the mobile platform
Approximately 43% of people check their emails from their phones and more than 40% of email users from mobile phones, check their messages four or more times a day. Therefore, if you email marketing It is not optimized for mobile devices, no matter how relevant your message is, people will just ignore it.