Andalucía Emprende, event for entrepreneurs in Marbella


Andalusia Undertake is a platform aimed at promoting Andalusian entrepreneurs and companies that organizes the event for entrepreneurs "Day of the Entrepreneurial Person". This is the tenth edition of this meeting for entrepreneurs, companies and organizations linked to the business environment.

Event for entrepreneurs in Marbella

This year, the event will take place at the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions Adolfo Suárez, in the city of Marbella, on December 1. The intention of this event for entrepreneurs in Andalusia is to promote the exchange of ideas, experiences and knowledge, through a set of activities aimed at creative development and the search for new opportunities in the professional sector.

In this new edition of "Day of the Entrepreneurial Person", the organizers have incorporated new areas that include "Investor Corner" y "Entrepreneurs Live". Along with this, the 3rd edition of the Andalucía Emprende Awards will also be held, which in this case aim to recognize the recently created companies that have innovated the most, as well as the companies already consolidated and with greater potential development and growth.

There will also be a "Lunar Festival"

And to get a little out of the conventional, the organizers of this event for entrepreneurs, announce as a novelty the realization of a Lunar Festival. In this case, it is an event in which Andalusian artists who work in the creative and technological industry are given the opportunity.

Finally, only to say that in this new edition it is expected to have the participation of more than 2.000 entrepreneurs and businessmen, as well as 40 experts and speakers, including the musician and product Carlos Jean and writer César Bona. The Entrepreneurial Day aims to provide a solution to entrepreneurs seeking financing for their projects or simply to update themselves to new trends in the segment.

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