Amazon wants to acquire Shop-Apotheke

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Amazon wants to enter the Pharmaceutical market in Germany. According to the publication of Aphotheke Adhoc, Amazon wants to take over the leading pharmaceutical market Shop-Apotheke. But this online retailer has clarified that there are no talks or negotiations with Amazon.

This is different according to what Apotheke Adhoc wrote and published a few days ago. He said that there had already been talks between Amazon and Shop-Apotheke. The next step for this would be to announce the official takeover of this market. Judging by the current market capitalization, Amazon will offer a little more than half a million Euros to this company.

Amazon is also said to have examined the acquisition of DocMorris, but there have been many reservations about it. One of these is that 58 percent of this company's sales are attributable to prescription drugs. In this regard, Shop-Apotheke appears to be in better shape than this other company as prescription drugs only account for 3.5 percent of its sales.

Apotheke Adhoc wrote rumors about the merger between Shop-Apotheke with Europa Apotheek and then that these will be bought by Amazon. "However, due to legal problems this is impossible," he wrote. "In any case, Europa Apotheek is still owned by its former owners, who still own the majority of Shop-Apotheke."

Shop-Apotheke was founded in 2002 and was sold to Apotheek Europe in 2009. After joining and leaving Medco, his fruitful business was brought back to market. Shop-Apotheke Headquarters They are found in different countries around Europe such as Holland, France, Spain, Germany, Austria and Belgium. A quarter of all the profits of this company are made outside of Germany. Hopefully Amazon and Shop-Apotheke can come up with a result or make an announcement about their negotiations.

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