The giant Amazon enters Switzerland with great force

amazon switzerland

Amazon has made agreements with Swiss postal companies In order to be able to sign a cooperation treaty, the launch of this huge American e-commerce company seems to be imminent in the Swiss market. This agreement means that Swiss postal agencies They will begin customs clearance for Amazon very soon.

It is rumored that Amazon's first packages will begin to arrive in Switzerland from December or January, Fliex Stierli, responsible for postal customs clearance in Switzerland has confirmed that the postal company is making agreements with Amazon, however, he adds that “there are still some operational details that we have to clarify". The American company also confirmed its interest in the Swiss e-commerce market. "We clearly do not overlook Switzerland," says Ralph Kleber, manager of "Swiss customers are extremely important to us and Amazon does not plan to disappoint them."

One of the main characteristics of this service Online shopping is immediate delivery in 24 hours. Customs processes are known to take about three hours, making it possible for this feature to work in Switzerland in the same way as it does in the United States so that customers can get their packages in a minuscule amount of time.

The company already offers this shipping method as part of its service Amazon Prime in GermanyWith this service, customers in Switzerland will also be able to access the entire catalog of offers and products that Amazon has available, which includes more than 229 million products. This same Amazon sales model is already being followed by countries such as the Netherlands, Austria and Turkey.

It's only a matter of time before the American e-commerce giant arrives in Swiss lands, in this same month, or the following one, it may be possible that we will be informed of more progress in this regard. At the moment it is in the hands of the directors of the companies, both Amazon and the Swiss postal companies to reach an adequate agreement with which all customers in this country can access the large catalog of products and the advantages of the delivery system. immediate from Amazon.

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