Alternatives to Woocommerce

WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin by which, in a matter of seconds, you can turn your blog or page into an online store. But the truth is that it is not the only one that exists that does that, there are many alternatives to WooCommerce that may interest you.

So, if you are thinking of taking the leap to start selling your products online, Why not try these WooCommerce alternatives? Surely, in the end, some of them end up liking you and it may be what you need to get started in electronic commerce.

WooCommerce and why look for alternatives

WooCommerce is undoubtedly a well-known plugin that has allowed many users to convert their web page, without hardly noticing a change in its design, into an entire online store. The problem is that not everyone is happy with it. There are many who find it difficult to pay for different extra services, others who do not quite understand how it is managed ... not to mention that it can be confusing when you have many products.

Therefore, here we are going to leave you some alternatives to WooCommerce that could be the solution you were looking for.


Jigoshop is one of the best known, and a tough opponent of Woocommerce, hence, of the alternatives to Woocommerce, it is one of the ones that can do you the most damage. And it really is very similar, so much so that they almost have the same code. And no, it doesn't mean that Jigoshop copied Woocommerce. It is the opposite!

Therefore, It is one of the best alternatives that you can choose because it has similar functions. In addition, its ease of management, a perfect inventory system and easy to control, and many extensions and themes makes it one of the most chosen.

Now, Jigoshop has a but that may be the reason why you do not opt ​​at all: it has less documentation and less help on the Internet. In other words, although it is used a lot, if you have a problem you can run out of solutions and without finding what you need on the Internet. It also has fewer plugins, especially in the paid part.

Easy Digital Downloads, one of the alternatives to WooCommerce focused on digital

Easy Digital Downloads, one of the alternatives to WooCommerce focused on digital

Also known by the acronym, EDD, it is a plugin available in WordPress that can be one of the alternatives to Woocommerce to consider. In fact, it is almost the same as with the other plugin. But it has an extra that you do not have with the other: and that is is focused on digital, downloadable products and / or services on the Internet. In other words, we are talking about an online store that will sell digital products.

And yes, WooCommerce also allows you to do it, but it is not focused on it and, therefore, you will not have the same functionalities that you have with this. So, if you are, for example, a writer and you want to sell your books digitally, with this plugin you can do it. Or if you work in web writing, Community Manager, etc.

iThemes Exchange

If you use WordPress a lot, iThemes may sound like you, but don't approach it as an e-commerce plugin but rather with security. And it is that iThemes Security is one of the best known that exist, but you should know that the developers also have a plugin to create your online store, one of the most alternatives to Woocommerce that you can try.

Regarding customization, It has a lot of variety and freedom, but there is a problem with it: you need to pay because the free mode of the plugin is very limited and in the end it will not be worth it if you do not invest money. It is much simpler than others that we have talked about and we will talk to you about, but if you are looking for something equal to or better than WooCommerce, it is not the best. Also, it is not in Spanish.

Shopify, among the strongest WooCommerce alternatives

Shopify, among the strongest WooCommerce alternatives

Right now, it is one of the ones that sounds the most when one wants to have an eCommerce. It came out in 2004 and right now it is one of the platforms that works best as e-commerce and that could be considered a tough competitor to WooCommerce. In fact, many who switch from this second end up in Shopify. Why? Well, because, without knowing anything about code, you can manage your entire website.

As with WooCommerce, you have a very easy and simple way to create an online business and maintain it. In addition, what is the technical part you do not have to worry about, because if there is a problem you have Shopify to take care of that technical maintenance so that there is no problem. Of course, it implies that you have to pay for a plan to have that, and there is also an added problem, that on mobile phones you may not have all the functions that you have in the full version, which limits you.

Now, comparing Shopify and WooCommerce, it must be said that, in the long term, the former is cheaper economically speaking, and also to use, because it is more intuitive and faster to learn.

Wix, one of the most popular WooCommerce alternatives

Wix is ​​another of the best known platforms and about which you find a lot of information. In fact, many people use it to show their resume, to make a simple page, for business ... And yes, also for e-commerce. Of course, it will be very basic, but still functional.

You have several ways to create it, since offers a free plan but also paid alternatives that can be very good, And if you have never created web pages before, nor do you want something complicated or difficult to manage, this may be a solution.

Among the cons, there is the fact that during the first months it is cheap, but later it can be expensive. In addition, it is not focused on electronic commerce, which is very limited space and you cannot expand without having to look for an alternative. So, if what you want is a small one, then yes, but if you aspire to grow, better invest and do it big from scratch.

wp e-commerce

wp e-commerce

As a first option, it is not a bad idea, quite the opposite. And is that This Woocommerce alternative usually works very well when you don't have much of an internet idea, and less of web pages. In fact, once you configure it, there is not much else that you have to touch other than managing the orders that are coming in.

Now, the bigger your store, the more difficult it will be to use, and if you have to level up, and therefore pay, then it will be much more expensive. And also, we are talking about an alternative that is outdated in terms of design, which makes it visually unattractive and that hurts users to visit you and are encouraged to browse the web to buy something.

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      miguel angel lopez said

    Really? Woocommerce is a toy for haberdashery and neighborhood stores. Nobody in their right mind would set up a high-performance professional online store on a plump and gluttonous blog, incapable of even managing its database well… enough to manage thousands of clients, tens of thousands of addresses, orders, visits…. .

    The best alternative to Woocommerce is never to use it.

    And go to Prestashop, Magento or even the old but powerful Virtuemart, light years away from that "thing".

      Juanma said

    Good article! However, the article lacks Lightspeed's Ecwid eCommerce platform, which could be called not only a Woocommerce alternative as a standalone platform, but also a Woocommerce alternative within the WordPress platform.

    Imagine the same Shopify, but more convenient and cheaper, that can be used independently or embedded in any existing site (for example, in WordPress): this is Ecwid by Lightspeed.

      Elizabeth Gutierrez said

    Hello. Tell us a little more about the Ecwid platform as Juanma says in the comment. From what I see in Built… now it ranks 3rd among the most used platforms in Spain, but there is little information about it in Spanish.