According to a PwC report on the expectations and consumption habits of the online shopper, almost 50% of the buy online Were realized Through social networks in 2013. In addition, 43% of those surveyed claim to have bought through Tablets in 2013 and 41% through smartphones
The results obtained from the study carried out by PwC indicate that, clearly, Internet and new technologies have multiplied consumer influence. This should make brands think that they must take into account the new expectations and habits of the digital consumer will have important implications for companies in the sector in the coming years.
The report Towards a "Total Retail" model, prepared by PwC, analyzes the expectations and consumption habits of the online shopper and the implications for companies in the distribution and consumer sector in the coming years. To prepare the report, 15.000 interviews were conducted with digital shoppers from around the world.
According to this report, almost 50% of the online consumers bought through social media during the past year 2013. An important conclusion is derived from the conclusions drawn from the data obtained, and that lDistribution companies must move towards the model called total retail that you assure your profitability at four levels: organizational structure, customer experience, supply chain and technology.
The new online consumer
Another important conclusion derived from the data obtained is that the new consumer considers the Trust as a differential factor, more important even than the price and availability of the product. This translates into an increasingly "selective" behavior towards brands and search for new value generating arguments: from a good disposition in store, location and staff (81% of those surveyed), to a different and attractive marketing strategy (64%) or the activity of the brand in social networks (50%).
Another important requirement for online shoppers is obtaining a customized offer but not invasive, that includes tailor-made experiences according to your tastes. Consumers appreciate that their favorite brands know their tastes and reward their loyalty. Thus, for example, 71% of those surveyed bought in their favorite stores in 2013 to obtain loyalty points and / or gifts and 21% entered the brand's social profiles for promotional reasons.
Moreover, the multi-device shopping experience, especially through smartphones, will gain more and more weight in the coming years. 41% and 43%, respectively, of those surveyed claim to have bought in 2013 through smartphones and tablets. These figures require an agile, optimized technology that offers the same multi-device shopping experience (PC, tablet or mobile phone).
Another important characteristic of the online consumer is that it is permanently connected and will require 24/7 availability and expertise that goes beyond a online store operational at all times. That is, he will expect the brand to be willing to interact with him at all levels (social networks,emailing, phone ...) and at all times.
How companies should react
Faced with this scenario, the report analyzes what companies in the sector should do to respond to new demands of your buyers. According to the study, progress should be made towards the model called TotalRetail, that allow them ensure your profitability at all levels of the company.
In this sense, companies and companies should take certain measures, among which the following are recommended:
# 1 - Adapt the organizational structure, focusing it on the consumer
To be able to adapt to the needs of the new online consumer, the structure should stop focusing so much on the channel and move to focus on the consumer himself.
According to the latest edition of the PwC Global CEO Survey, 53% of CEOs in the distribution sector plan to make organizational changes in the coming months to focus on the customer. This requires making changes within senior management and incorporating roles such as the Chief Customer Officer with experience in customer management, who are capable of centralizing the “demand chain”, through marketing strategies, social media or customer service. creative.
# 2 - Use all available consumer information to configure personalized experiences
The use of Big Data makes it possible to collect information about consumers and use it to configure those personalized experiences.
Although privacy remains a top concern online, consumers value that their favorite sellers know their tastes and reward their loyalty. The key will be finding the balance between leveraging Big Data to deliver tailored experiences while respecting the privacy of consumer data.
# 3 - Optimize the supply chain
The optimization of the supply chain must be done not so much from the point of cost, but from the transparency, to offer in real time what consumers want, where and when they want it.
# 4 - Employ tefficient and innovative technology to interact with consumers
It is important to use innovative technology and enough efficient so as to allow gathering more information from consumers, interacting with them outside the “walls” of the store and offering them a consistent customer experience across all channels. This requires understanding technology not as a cost, but as a key strategic element within the value chain.