How are the free returns in Aliexpress Spain

Free returns Aliexpress Spain

Aliexpress is a store that, like Amazon, is one of the best known for buying all kinds of products from China and other countries at low prices. Telephones, mobiles, cheap pens, consoles... are just some of the products that you will find. However, sometimes these products are not really what we expected and that is when the question arises as to whether there are free returns on AliExpress Spain.

If you have not yet bought in AliExpress because you fear that what you receive is not exactly what you want to receive, then we are going to give you the keys. This is how you will know if you can return a product for free and everything you need to know about refunds.

Refunds and returns in AliExpress


Before talking about how free returns are in Aliexpress Spain, you should know the difference between a refund and a return. The first refers to that seller returning your money, usually because you have not received the product for which you have paid. Although it can also be in the event that it arrives in poor condition, broken, or does not work.

In the case of a return, this means that you are going to send back the product you have bought because it does not meet your expectations. Either because it is in bad condition or it does not work. In many cases, the sellers themselves make refunds without having to return the merchandise they have sent you. But there are others that do require the customer to return the product in order to proceed with a refund or a negotiation to see how much must be returned.

Another point you should know is that not all the products you find on Aliexpress have a free return. Sometimes you have to pay money to send it, either to China or to any other country, sometimes including Spain.

Now, there is a free service in Spain to make returns without having to pay anything and that is what we are going to explain to you next.

The free return service of Aliexpress Spain


As stated on Aliexpress's own website, this platform has a free returns service to return the product in case you do not like what you have received.

For that, it is necessary that fifteen days have not elapsed since the promised delivery date. And, in addition, you need the seller to have that service marked. Otherwise, Aliexpress will not be able to take charge and therefore, enter within the gratuity.

Aliexpress free return is available in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Canada, Germany, Russia, Holland, Brazil, Spain, Australia…

To find out if a seller has free returns activated on their products or not, you will have to look at their description. They will contain a free return icon. If they don't have it, it means that, if something happens, you will have to pay to return that product and shipping to certain countries can be quite expensive.

How to make free returns on Aliexpress Spain

make purchase online

Now that you have a little clearer about what free returns are like on Aliexpress Spain, we are going to give you the steps you need to take to carry it out.. Keep in mind that, although we are going to give you the steps in a general way, sometimes the sellers themselves have another way of acting. For this reason, it is recommended to contact the seller in case a return is needed to let them know that you have carried out the process or to find out what you must do to send the product and receive a refund in exchange.

Thus, the steps you must take begin by opening a dispute.

Before open a dispute on Aliexpress

Although in the previous line we have told you that the first thing to do is open a dispute, the truth is that, prior to that, it is best that you try to talk to the seller in a friendly manner. So that he sees that you act in good faith and that the product he has sent you is not really what you wanted.

In that private conversation you can reach an agreement. Many times the sellers themselves want to avoid bad opinions on their stores and products so that Aliexpress does not downgrade them or their store disappears from the platform.

If it doesn't work, or you don't agree on the solution, then you would have to open a dispute. And it will be Aliexpress who mediates in the matter.

Open a dispute

When you receive a product from Aliexpress and it is not exactly what you expected, you have the option of returning it. And if, after contacting the seller, you have not obtained the result you expected, the next step is to open that dispute.

To do this you have to go to the history of all orders and locate the one with problems. Once there, in order details, it will give you the option of return or refund. Aliexpress will ask you if you have received the product and if so, it will ask you to tell them the reason why you want to return as well as upload photos or videos describing the problem and providing evidence.

On that same page they notify you that the return is free for each order you make. In other words, you will not have to pay anything and you will simply have to send it with the Post Office (unless there is another shipping method).

When opening the dispute, you can ask for one of two options: to be reimbursed for the order without having to send it to them; or return the product so that the seller has it again.

return the product

Once the dispute has ended with a decision, either from the seller or from Aliexpress, the next step you may have to take is to return the product.

We advise you to return the package with the original packaging and, if possible, as it arrived to you at the first moment. This is quite important because this way you prevent the seller, upon receiving it, from claiming to Aliexpress that you have not sent it correctly and, therefore, it is deteriorated. In addition, we recommend that you make a video packaging that product as well as the final result, including photos. This way you will have proof that you have indeed sent it correctly.

If you have the option of free returns in Aliexpress Spain, you will only have to print the label and put it in the package to take it to a collection point or to the Post Office. That package will arrive at a local return center and will be the one that will be in charge of sending it to the seller. Either China or any other country. However, you should know that only by arriving at that local center will the processing of your return be carried out. And you'll be able to get your refund much faster than if you had to wait for it to finally arrive at the seller.

If the product you are trying to return and for which you have put the dispute does not have the free shipping option, then you will have to send it through the Post Office with a trackable system. You have to attach that tracking number to both the seller and Aliexpress and wait about 30 days for the seller to confirm receipt of that return product. Once it does, it will take between three and twenty days to return the money you would have paid for that product.

As you can see, the free returns on Aliexpress Spain make it much easier to buy with a little more security. Because you know that if you don't like it, You can return it without having to spend money on it.

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