Acumbamail, the best email marketing available to anyone


To develop a marketing campaign that is one hundred percent effective, email marketing is a tool with great potential. The influence and potential of social networks for expanding the commercial portfolio, knowing the tastes and preferences of clients and potential clients, etc. has been proven.

However, email marketing can be a platform of equal or even greater efficiency, therefore, tools like Acumbamail will make the management much easier of email marketing campaigns.

What is Acumbamail?

Acumbamail es an innovative tool that offers the best applications for email marketing. Thanks to its functions, you can generate subscriber lists, configure sending to different campaigns, customizing and developing templates, creating records and, finally, preparing statistics, reports and analytics.

Acumbamail vs Mailchimp and other email marketing tools

Email Marketing

These are the main advantages of Acumbamail Regarding Mailchimp and other tools for email marketing:

  • La Acumbamail's interface is simple and intuitive and will allow us to manage all operations when it comes to email marketing. We will find this interface totally in Spanish, as well as technical support and operating guides, which gives us a simple use.
  • The Acumbamail price is also important. Its alot cheaper than other tools and applications Acumbamail's rates are cheaper than other similar rates on the market. They are cheaper costs per email sent, including VAT. In the case of annual plans, Acumbamail offers the possibility of making annual payment forecasts, with significant additional discounts.
  • The technical English of other tools, such as Mailchimp, can cause problems in their use and navigation of their websites. Acumbamail guides and tutorials are entirely in Spanish, which will make the development of campaigns easier.
  • El support in Spanish. When there are problems in the use of these applications, and even technical problems, it is important to have fast, efficient support, and especially in the same language. Acumbamail support is in Spanish. Another important factor, with reference to the support, is that of time differences. For Mailchimp and other applications, the time difference can make contacting support technicians a bit more difficult.
  • El law enforcement It is another of the differences of Acumbamail with respect to other applications. Being based in Spain, Acumbamail complies one hundred percent with Spanish legislation, for example, in the case of data protection, one of the most sensitive issues.

Acumbamail configuration

Acumbamail configuration

The initial phase of Acumbamail can start with the configuration of SMTP from simple way, so that all transactional emails already appear through the servers of this platform.

With your applications, we will have the precise tool to classify our emails according to the parameters we choose, obtain analytics and reports for each category separately, and thus know the transactional emails that work best.

Subscription listings and other features

Through Acumbamail utilities, we will manage subscriber and customer lists in an easy and efficient way, controlling and automatically eliminating emails that are no longer operational. Either those subscribers who have decided not to receive our campaigns and promotions, or those that we have decided to filter, and that do not appear in the shipments.

Data import to Acumbamail can be done from spreadsheets, even from other different email marketing providers.

With the device named "exit intent", Acumbamail can detect if a user who visits our page is going to abandon navigation. From the beginning, the subscription form will appear on the side so that the subscription option is visible, but without disturbing the user.

When abandonment is detected, the system through Acumbamail will launch the user a "popup" to give you the option to subscribe, in such a way that a last chance to take advantage of the visit, before said abandonment occurs.

Editing templates in Acumbamail

Email marketing

Thanks to Acumbamail's powerful template editor, these operations are functional and fast, always with the option to save all the work done, automatically.

The templates created and pre-designed in Acumbamail are responsive, and you don't have to start your design from scratch. It will only be necessary to include the HTML code in these responsive templates.

With the option of templates developed for professional newsletters, we can generate a template adapted to our preferences and needs, in a very short time.

Other Acumbamail tools

  • RSS campaigns: It is the possibility of realizing automatic sending of campaigns, once there is new content in our RSS, be it latest blog entries, images included in texts, etc.
  • Autoresponders: With Acumbamail you can send emails automatically to subscribers who meet the parameters that we have selected. These shipments can be made periodically, or on specific dates, or after a subscriber has been added to a list, etc.
  • SMS campaigns: Through this tool you can configure and plan the campaign SMS to clients of our choosing, with guaranteed rates of delivery.

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  1. Responsible for the data: Miguel Ángel Gatón
  2. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management.
  3. Legitimation: Your consent
  4. Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties except by legal obligation.
  5. Data storage: Database hosted by Occentus Networks (EU)
  6. Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information.

      Life experiences said

    Excellent tool, According to the Marketingdigital Academy within a 360 Digital Marketing strategy, it is vitally important to include an Email Marketing strategy to strengthen communication with users who have shown interest in my website.