What news will 2018 bring to e-commerce?

2018 ecommerce

E-commerce It has been a business that has evolved enormously in recent years, achieving enormous growth in its profits and the rapprochement of consumers. Statistics predict that these numbers will continue to grow over the years and e-commerce awaits many changes in technology, marketing, business and trends.

The competition to achieve success in e-commerce increases year by year and being on the sidelines of changes is very important to keep your company afloat, then we will show some news you can expect for 2018 in e-commerce:

Better shipping logistics:

One of the characteristics that puts you ahead of your competitors is the quality of the shipping service. Even if it offers the best quality in the product and the best marketing, if this is not accompanied by exceptional delivery times, it will not do any good.

Voice purchases:

This very recent technology seems to be very important in the future, although it is not so attractive for most adults to perform voice searches on online sites, studies have revealed that a large part of millennials are very familiar with voice searches before venturing to make purchases online, because of this companies like Google keep an eye on the future and have launched devices such as Google Home or Amazon with their Alexa device.

Mobile application development:

Previously that a person will rely on online shopping was not the norm, but today this has changed and the numbers indicate that the development of Apps for e-commerce will be a great area of ​​opportunity in 2018, many leading companies have started to create large payment systems on mobile devices such as Apple Pay, PayPal, Google Wallet, WePay, among others.

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