Surely more than once you have heard about one of the fundamental pillars to be successful, whether with social networks, with a blog, with your website or with your online store. We are talking about valuable content, a concept that not many recognize and that, nevertheless, is the key to success.
If you want to know what the experts are referring to about value content, what you should keep in mind and, more importantly, how to create it for your own benefit, then do not hesitate to take a look at what we have prepared for you.
What is value content?
There is no "official" definition for valuable content, however, it is a very important concept that marketers (especially copywriters, copywriters and community managers) know very well.
And it is that valuable content is that text (or image) that generates an impact and makes the visitor who reads or sees it react to it. For this, it must be characterized by being:
- Useful. Because you need me to respond to a problem that the client has and to do it in the fastest and easiest way.
- Quality. Because you are not going to copy the ideas of others, since then you will not be original.
- Truthful. Fake content is not valuable content; Sooner or later they end up catching you and that will have repercussions in a reputation crisis (in fact, you have examples in many influencers who have screwed up in this regard).
Depending on the tool you use (blog, web, social networks), valuable content must be adapted, so there are different ways of viewing it depending on the medium where you want to expand.
Valuable content on a website or blog
Let's start with the valuable content of a website or blog. In these cases and taking into account that the content of value are "experts", that is, texts that know a lot about a topic, these are broad. That does not mean that no one will read them, but that whoever is interested will do so.
So don't be afraid to write great texts. In the long run, they are going to be important to your reputation.
It is also necessary toand interact with those who leave you comments. Yes, it is tedious to answer them all, but important for them to see that you care about answering them, about contributing content that interests them ... In the long run, these visitors will become loyal followers and can make your business grow more.
Value content in social networks
In the case of social networks, the texts are not so extensive and images, gifs, videos prevail ... The objective is to create valuable content, of any format, but adapting it to social networks. Namely:
- Offering more direct and shorter texts so that they can read it easily. Above all, not losing the attention of that reader. For example, humor is very effective on social media.
- Accompanying the text with images that make an impact, that attract attention.
- Establishing a relationship with users, by way of answering comments, thanking them if they share ...
How to create valuable content: the steps to follow
Now that you know that content is one of the most important parts for a website, a blog and even for social networks, creating valuable content should be your maxim. But it cannot always be achieved. So don't try to think of content that is really going to always be successful. It depends on many factors: the advertising you do, what people want to read at that time ... That does not mean that you cannot achieve it, but, for this, you must take into account several factors, such as:
Know your client
One of the The mistakes that many make when starting an online project is not knowing who they work for. For example, with a blog, what are you going to write about? Who do you want to address? It is not the same as creating a blog about pregnancy and what you talk about is how to take care of children. Yes, it is related, but visitors will come to your blog interested in the topic of pregnancy, not in raising a child.
Or for example, a blog about children's games, where the ones you put are for people over 18. Yes, they are video games, but they cannot be considered children's.
You need to know what audience you are going to approach in order to satisfy them. Otherwise, it is as if your message does not reach that audience you want (and is doomed to failure).
Pick a topic
Knowing who you are going to talk to is just as important as what you are going to talk about. You must choose a topic that you are really passionate about, that you know and that you do not mind working hours and hours on it to provide the best content on the entire Internet.
Why? Well, because that's how you are going to get the people who read you, and also like the subject, they see you as a person who knows the subject, they can trust. And that is something to be gained.
Objectives to attract customers
The above does not work if you do not reach customers. That is, you can have great content, be an expert, take care of the language to get closer to your potential audience. But nobody reads you. You need visibility and for that you have to try to make it viral by all possible means (and that are within your reach).
At first it will cost you much more, keep in mind that you are starting, and that also no one trusts you yet. But if you are consistent, you should get it.
Connect with your visitors
A visitor comes in, reads you, and may not say anything. But there are many who when they are interested in something they comment on you, share on social networks, they talk to you. Well then, answer them! It is important that you establish a link with them, that they know that you do not want them just to fatten your statistics or give you money for their visits (or their purchases).
In addition to valuable content, you also have to make valuable relationships. Cause they can be the ones In the end, make your business go viral.
They take away the sensations
Imagine ... Think ... what does it make you evoke a feeling? Well, that is what is now a trend. And it is that, the content of value, must be full of feelings, of sensations that make that person, when they begin to read it, feel identified, that they notice the heart of who has written the text.
Believe it or not, that is precisely what makes good texts triumph. Giving them that warmth that brings people closer together.