What is Doctori.com and how does an insurance comparator work?

What is Doctori.com and how does an insurance comparator work?

We are increasingly aware that we cannot keep the first insurance that we are offered. Whether they are car insurance, health, housing... You have to look very well at the offers on the market to get it right.

However, this requires time and effort to locate all of them. Unless you use insurance comparators, such as Doctori.com, and you can thus shorten the research time to focus on making a good decision for you. You want to know more?

What is Doctori.com


Doctori.com is actually the most complete online insurance comparator on the market. Through comparisons of the different companies and insurance they offer (dividing them by car, motorcycle, health, life and death), you come across a portal where, almost from a first glance, you will be able to find out about the different offers that There are companies and which one is the most suitable for you.

La The company was born in 2020 and is the trademark of the insurance broker iSalud. In a short time (since we are only talking about a few years), it has become one of the best.

How an insurance comparator works


First of all, you should know that An insurance comparator is an online tool with which you can compare different insurance options and their respective prices and coverage. In other words, it is a page where, at a glance, you will be able to see the different offers and characteristics of the insurance offered by different companies.

Thus, you can find the best deal on insurance much faster. And that without having to visit each and every one of the insurance companies to find out what they offer you. And this helps you save time, but also to discover other companies that may have offers that are very suitable for what you are looking for.

En general, an insurance comparator works as follows:

  • First, the insurance comparator to be used is chosen. It is recommended to use two or three to obtain different results and thus compare them (worth the redundancy) in case there are differences with the different companies that offer.
  • You must enter your details about the insurance, that is, the type of insurance, the risk to be covered, the term of the policy... Each comparator has its own requirements, some more closed than others, to offer more general or more specific results.
  • The comparator is then in charge, with the information provided, of searching its database for the insurance companies that can meet the requirements that the person doing the search wants.
  • Once done, in a matter of seconds, a list of insurance options is displayed on the screen (and sometimes by email), with their prices and coverage. In addition, many also determine which ones are the best or which come closest to the requests that have been made.
  • Finally, the person must compare those options to choose the one that best suits both the needs, requirements and the budget they have. In many cases, from the insurance comparator itself, a request can be made to activate that offer and formalize a contract with the insurance company.

It is important to remember that Insurance comparators only offer an overview of the options available and do not always include all insurance companies or all policy options available on the market. Therefore, and as we have told you before, it does not hurt to search several insurance comparators to know that you take all the options into account.

And how does Doctori.com work?

Focusing on Doctori.com, you should know that this tool is totally free. To use it, the first thing you should do is go to its website. Once there, you will see a menu at the top for you to choose between health, car, motorcycle, death and life insurance. Click on the one you are most interested in.

Next you will see that offers you a series of articles with information or at a practical level related to the subject. But On your right, you will have a form. In it you will see several tabs. The one that will appear indicated will be the same as the type of insurance for which you are interested. But actually you will be able to change others easily.

You will have to Fill in the form with your name, phone, email and some important information. For example, in the case of car or motorcycle insurance you will have to put the mark; in health, life and death, the data to provide is age.

Lastly, you will have to tick the box in which they inform you that «Your data is processed by iSalud to provide you with the requested search services, consisting of carrying out commercial actions in your own name and on behalf of the insurance companies and service provision entities with which iSalud collaborates, whether of own products and/or of third parties and/or to mediate in the offer and contracting of insurance. You can consult the extended information on the treatment of your data and how to exercise your rights in the Privacy Policy.

Once you hit the "search" button, in a matter of seconds they will offer you the best offers related to insurance. You will be able to compare them and see everything that one and the other offers you to make a decision according to what you need.

Why use an insurance comparator like Doctori.com

motorcycle insurance

There are several reasons why, when looking for insurance, you should use a comparator. Some of these are:

  • Save time. By using a comparator you will not have to search for insurance companies. The web will be in charge of doing it and listing those that meet your requirements. Without you having to do the research.
  • Save money. And it is that an insurance comparator allows you to compare prices and coverages of different insurance companies in one place, which helps you find the best deal.
  • Greater transparency. In the sense that you will have clear and detailed information. Of course, it is convenient that later you make sure that all of it is fulfilled so as not to find unpleasant surprises.
  • Greater convenience. Because you can use it anywhere and at any time, without having to adapt to a certain time or day to consult it.

Is it now clearer to you what Doctori.com is and how it works?

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