When you have an e-commerce or an online store, you know that SEO positioning is one of the fundamental parts of having visibility in the face of search engines, more specifically Google. That is why many people look for the figure of an SEO consultant to benefit from the knowledge and techniques that this professional applies to appear in the first search results.
But What is an SEO consultant and why is it so important that it would benefit your online business compared to your competition? That's what we're going to talk to you about next.
What is an SEO consultant?
We could define the figure of an SEO consultant as a professional or expert who has extensive experience and training in the optimization of web pages. In other words, this would be a person who knows a series of techniques that help a web page to rank in the top positions of the most important search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Bing…
To achieve this you not only have to know these techniques, but also You need to be informed and updated on all the changes made by the different browsers, especially Google, to be able to adapt to the day to day and thus prevent the store's positioning from falling when it is in the top positions. Something that is not at all easy.
What functions does an SEO consultant perform?
When a person specializes in SEO consulting, the tasks they have to perform are focused primarily on optimizing the website to position it in the first search results of browsers. To do this, they must have a broad and deep knowledge of Internet search engines. But not only that, they must also have knowledge of web programming and of the market in which that e-commerce operates.
Specifically, the functions performed by an SEO consultant are based primarily on the study of keywords related to the website you are working on, optimization of web architecture, optimization of web content, link building strategy, monitoring of the website and also of competitors.
But that's not all, because they also have to investigate the different changes that occur in browsers and in the market itself on a daily basis and advise their current and future clients on the changes they need to make to remain in high positions within the search engines.
Let's look at the functions a little more closely:
Study of keywords related to the website
Keyword research related to your website is one of the most important functions. It consists of searching for words that users often use to find certain products and strategically placing them on your website and in the content with the aim of appearing in search engines for them.
This is not an easy thing to do because many of the short keywords like sneakers, bags, jackets, etc. are already widely used and positioned, which can be complicated for small businesses. However, you can use medium or long keywords to achieve this positioning.
Optimizing web architecture and content
Good website design, as well as a strategy to know what type of content to put on the different pages that make up the website and also content for the blog, are an important part of positioning. This way, you can update the page and add keywords that can make users find you on different parts of your website.
Link building strategy
This is done through collaborations with other websites or even with social networks to position the page and give it greater authority by using that of other web pages.
The latter refers to reviewing and controlling on a daily or weekly basis the changes that may have occurred on the website due to modifications that have been made regarding keywords or content on the page itself.
It will also monitor the various changes that are taking place on competing sites to see how they are working for them. This way, you can replicate certain techniques that others have used in your business and that can help you climb the rankings in search engines.
Why an SEO consultant benefits a company
After everything you have seen and talked about, you may not have any doubts about why an SEO consultant is a very important figure for companies. This is a professional who understand what a web page should be like so that Google gives it enough importance to rank higher when users search for certain keywords.
For example, imagine that you own a sneaker store. An SEO consultant could propose that a strategy be implemented with certain keywords so that when a user searches for a specific type of sneaker, your store appears in the first results and that will attract much more traffic than if you did nothing at all.
How much does an SEO consultant charge?
This question is not easy to answer, because, as SEOs always say, it all depends. Depending on the training, experience, and also the personal brand of that person, Their fee may be higher or lower. You may find professionals who charge you around 30 euros for a consultation, while others may charge you more than 100 euros for just one hour of their time.
The fact that a professional charges more does not mean that he or she is better than another who charges less. In this case, we recommend that you always choose a middle ground and evaluate several candidates before making the final decision, since it involves a significant investment that can determine the success or failure of your online project.
Now that you have a better idea of what an SEO consultant is and why it benefits online businesses, if you have one and you are not doing too well in positioning and attracting traffic to it, perhaps you should consider it.