As technology, the advancement of the Internet and the change in society advances, new professionals emerge that leave others aside. Have you heard of project management or project management? Perhaps you have seen advertisements about a Online Master in Project Management?
One of the most appreciated profiles at the moment is that of the project manager. But what is project management? Because it is important? And what do you need to train? We explain everything to you.
What is agile project management
If you have never heard of agile project management before, then you are missing out on one of the methodologies that can give you the most productivity. This term refers to a procedure by which you learn to manage projects so that they are done quickly and at the same time with flexibility.
The first definition, and perhaps also the The first time this term appeared, also known as Agile Project Management, was in the Agile Manifesto, where they made it clear that agile project management was governed by four principles:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Software running on extensive documentation
Collaboration with the client on contractual negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
Why is agile project management important?
Since The business and work world is constantly changing, being able to develop products and services quickly, flexibly and, above all, competitively has become a necessity. And this is not an easy thing. For this reason, this type of methodology is becoming more and more important, which is why they are requested in the job offers themselves.
Imagine for a moment a company. When starting out, it is normal that you have very few projects and that with a few workers you can carry them out. But, as it grows, it needs to hire more and form work teams that carry out the work.
Sometimes, a greater workload does not mean that you have to resort to new personnel, but to carry out methodologies that allow teams to be able to work quickly and agilely on projects to bring them to completion in the shortest time. possible, without diminishing the quality of the results obtained.
In other words, We are talking about improving planning, organization and establishing a series of steps that help avoid wasting time and failures that delay the rest of the team.
How agile project management works
Understanding agile project management is not difficult. For this, what is done is rely on work teams in which a project is divided into small phases in such a way that each one does a part and then each update of that task is tested to see if it is what the client is looking for and, if not, to be able to work with smaller pieces (instead of a larger one) to solve the problem much faster and easier.
In other words, we could talk about the methodology goes through four phases:
- Division. Where the tasks to be carried out are divided and a deadline is given to have them done.
- Job. Where each one works with the part that corresponds to him.
- Testing. To put together each and every one of the parts and see if they fit together and if it really is what the client needs.
- Ending. It would be the final presentation of the project to the client for final acceptance.
This does not mean that there is only one phase of each. For example, in the case of testing, several meetings can be held if there are modifications in order to continue working. And it is that, sometimes, the resulting project in a first meeting may not be the end in an agile project since many tests are carried out until it is considered complete.
Thus, through methodologies such as Kanban, Scrum, Lean, and many others, the agile project manager culminates in a timely manner faster and more efficiently than using traditional procedures.
Which has benefits
There is no doubt that having a team that can carry out projects by subdividing the tasks to be carried out to get it completed in a short time is the dream of any company. But in addition to achieving this, project management has many other benefits such as:
- Improvement in results. By getting all team members involved and doing their part, you get better results because everyone is “on one” to get the job done.
- More satisfied customers. A customer must be taken care of. And if he asks for something, try to do it with the highest quality. But if you also give it to him quickly and well taken care of, he will be much happier.
- Motivate workers. Because each one of them feels part of that team and of the company, and important. What makes you more loyal to the place where they make you feel one more.
- Reduces costs. Not only do you avoid having to hire more people, but you also minimize the possibility of failures and mistakes, since everyone knows what they have to do.
How to be an Agile Project Manager
As we have told you before, many job offers are requesting professionals and Specialists in Agile Project Management which makes it a job that can have job opportunities. If we also add that the salary of these workers can be 38000 euros per year or much more, and that there is still no competition, it becomes a golden opportunity.
But, in order to apply for these offers, adequate training is necessary. And in this sense you have available a master's degree in online project management. East Master's Degree in Project Management It will allow you to train with some of the best professionals.
Subjects like program and project portfolio management, strategic project management and innovation or knowledge of traditional and modern methodologies using agile management These are just some of the topics covered in this training.
In return, once you pass the master's degree, you can apply to job offers where they request this type of training, such as team leader (or team leader), PMO consultant, project management director, etc. And it is that in addition to the theoretical part you will also have a practical part to strengthen that knowledge.
Is it now clearer to you what project management is?