When a company is created, many choose to offer a company gift with various objectives: to make themselves known, to have a detail for clients, to advertise... But, do you really know what is considered a company gift or which are the best?
Be they screen-printed bottles, personalized usbs, pens, notebooks, diaries... there are many different options to offer customers. How about we give you a hand in this matter?
What is a corporate gift?
First of all, we want you to fully understand what we mean by a corporate gift. Also called advertising gift or promotional gift, we are talking about exactly one detail that companies have for their customers, or potential customers, which is used above all to retain these people.
For example, a company gift can be the one that you get when you go to a fair and there is a stand of this company where they offer this type of gift for people who come by.
Another option may be when an online order is made to a store and the company decides to offer a company gift for that order, such as a pen, a notebook, etc.
The origin of corporate gifts
I'm sure you don't believe it, but actually, Since Ancient Egypt, corporate gifts have existed. Historians know that many tried to win the personal favor of the kings by offering these details so that they would remember them and thus, in some way, be more predisposed when they asked for favors.
later, yeah In the XNUMXth century, business gifts were seen as a practice that was done to sell, or at least to make the brand more visible and thus promote its development.
One of the first to use it for this purpose was Jasper Meeks a Coshochton (Ohio) printer. This man printed personalized backpacks with the name of the local schools for a shoe store, in such a way that, when mothers or fathers went to buy shoes, they took a backpack with the name of their child's school as a gift. And that's where the boom began, since when a competitor did notice the "game" that that shoe store had, he decided to do it too.
In fact, Years later, the first association related to corporate gifts was founded., specifically the International Association of Promotional Products (PPAI) (in 1953 it was when the Association of Manufacturers and Sellers of Advertising and Promotional Items (FYVAR) emerged in Spain).
What types of corporate gifts are there
Now that you know a little more about corporate gifts, the next thing is to know what types you can find since, in this way, you will know which ones can be the cheapest.
Indeed, There are many types of corporate gifts, from the cheapest and which are called "courtesy" or thanks, such as pens, key rings, bags, etc., to the most sophisticated (and expensive), such as Christmas baskets, electronic or computer equipment...
En general, the categories into which we can divide these gifts are:
- Office and writing material.
- Informatic and tecnology.
- Tools
- Car accessories.
- Leisure accessories.
- Home and personal care.
- Travel.
- Fashion (the typical t-shirts).
- baskets.
And what is the most economical company gift?
Indeed, the cheapest gifts are the courtesy ones, which cost very little, especially if you buy in quantity. We talk about pens, key chains, screen-printed bottles, pencils, notebooks, etc.
This type of gift should not be underestimated, since well chosen and taking into account the preferences and tastes of the users, they can generate a great impact.
How to choose corporate gifts
Every company, even an eCommerce, must take into account these company gifts. They are an investment since it directly affects the advertising of the company. Most company gifts are always marked with the company's name, or its logo, in such a way that, when this gift is used, it is kept in mind in such a way that indirectly, when a product is needed that is related to That company is the first one you usually look at.
When choosing these company gifts, you must take into account:
The type of company and products sold
To make it easier for you to understand. If you have a computer factory, giving away an apron is not something "normal" because it is not related to the company itself. But if instead you offered as a detail a power bank, a usb, there would be more possibilities to remember the company and link it to those products.
that are practical
Giving a company gift always has a double objective. On the one hand, thank that client or person who bothers to be interested in the company; and on the other hand, that it be remembered. But if the gift you give is something that is not useful for their day to day, you will not get the person to remember that business.
Therefore, give away objects that are known to be used, since this way you will be present daily in your clients (future or present).
Be careful with the budget
Without a doubt, the budget you have is something essential when choosing the company gift you want. Keep in mind that it is an investment that you may not recover, so you have to think about gifts that are useful but at the same time do not mean you stay in the red.
product shelf life
Finally, you should think about how long that gift will last. And it is that, the longer it lasts, the more impacts it will have on that person, causing your company to be recorded in their brain. In addition, you will leave a good feeling in the sense that it is durable and therefore they will consider that what you sell is also durable.
Now that you know everything you need to know about corporate gifts, it's time to look for the one that identifies with your company or eCommerce and try this advertising method that usually offers such good results. Do you dare to it?