This year's holiday shopping could mark a change

Christmas shopping

Many experts believe that buy online The next two months could outperform store purchases for the first time in history, with nearly 59% of customers using their phones, tablets and computers to make purchases. Online shoppers are being drawn in by free shipping and the great convenience that shopping from home brings comfort of your home online and delivery in store. In addition to advances in shipments and deliveries on the same day of purchase.

Many stores are offering the Christmas discounts early in the hope of not suffering a decline in sales due to phenomena such as online shopping. These sudden changes that have occurred in the global market have as main leaders companies such as Amazon in the West and Alibaba in the Chinese market. However, many companies have begun to form alliances or join this revolution of globalization, expanding their markets towards home delivery and store delivery.

It must be taken into account that this is a market that is expanding considerably in a very short period of time and many companies have not been able to adapt to these changes as quickly or effectively as some others. This does not mean that these stores that do not join this phenomenon of change in the way of doing purchases will become obsolete, but it may be possible that during this time you can begin to notice an impact on your sales due to this e-commerce revolution.

Online shopping bring with them a new lifestyle to which many of today's consumers are already getting used to, it is not an overwhelming majority, but they are already beginning to make a difference and it is expected that this season of Christmas shopping is also the eve of the important changes that globalization will bring to the way we see shopping today.

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