We are not going to say that it will necessarily be easy. Objective and subjective aspects have been interposed and still do, so that the SMEs enter the E-commerce.
Small and medium-sized companies have missed great growth opportunities, by not making use of or inserting themselves in an impactful way, in the technological and digital revolution that has engulfed the world in recent years.
Consumption habits have changed, the Internet closely related in the domestic and work environment, influencing in a decisive way in social relationships, changing desires and creating needs; it has forced the corporate world to be there.
SMEs continue to resist these changes, in some countries more and in others less. In general, it is difficult for them to move into this new economy, believe in success, overcome fears and cultural barriers, and conclusively realize that if your business manages to be online it will be more likely to be successful.
Not to mention that we all know very well that whoever does not reinvent himself in these times of crisis will not live long.
It is not true that only large multinational platforms are capable of selling online.
It will have to be analyzed in each case which is the best ecommerce solution for those who decide to take the leap. For example, choose to have your own store or sell through the marketplaces already implemented.
There will be advantages and disadvantages, with better or more attenuated results.
By having a presence in the giant merketplaces, it will be possible to count on less dedication and commitment, since they will provide all the basic infrastructure and will generally provide support, support and guidance services.
Although at the same time it will have to be counted on the collection of monthly fees on its part, commissions for products sold, also hosting on its platforms of innumerable vendors increasing competition, and other characteristics that have to reduce profits.
But you can also choose to get ahead with your own online store, which would be more complex, but whose results could be prominent and grow the business with the flexibility and style that is planned. Today there are ecommerce platforms easy to handle with reasonable prices.
Currently it may not be like that, but in the near tomorrow, very possibly the paymes that do not give in and are incorporated into these novel, but increasingly common business models, could disappear, or be drastically affected for not changing in time.