If you have an online store, you know that search engines are one of the ideal places for users to find you and reach your eCommerce. However, almost everyone knows Google Ads, as a tool that gives visibility to businesses. But what about Microsoft Advertising? Do you know that it can be the same or even better to promote your products?
If you don't know what Microsoft Advertising is or how it works, but you are interested in establishing a visibility strategy so that more people know about your store, we will talk about it below.
What is Microsoft Advertising
The first thing you should know about Microsoft Advertising is that we are talking about a platform for advertising. In other words, in it you can create ads and advertising campaigns with which to show yourself in search engines.
What you are thinking is true. Search engines will not include Google (because it has its own advertising system). But it is worth it because you will appear on Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo…And that, taking into account that there are more users who can use other search engines, can help you reach more people.
It was previously known as Bing Ads, but the name was changed to be more directly related to the Microsoft company.
It is really the same as Google Ads, but it also has some peculiarities (which makes many opt for this tool with better results).
How Microsoft Advertising works
Upon first glance, there is no doubt that Microsoft Advertising is a tool for doing online SEM. That is, to pay to appear in the search engines in strategic areas.
With this you can place text ads in search engines, but display advertising can also be done on websites owned by Microsoft.
Its operation is practically the same as with Google Ads. That is, first you have to search for a keyword (if you don't already have it chosen). Based on the search results, you will see that you can place ads on the top as well as on the side. And in this way, when a user appears and is interested in it, they are sent to your page (actually it is usually sent to a landing page that acts as a bridge to convert those users into customers).
Within its marketing solutions, we can highlight several of them:
Personalized advice
In other words, during the process to use the service you have a person who can help you:
- Learn more about the tools, reports, and other resources they make available.
- Set up your account and help you create ads or advertising campaigns. It is very good for the first times because this way you make sure that you do it right and that your money is well invested.
- Ensure competitiveness in ads and in the bids (so as not to pass or lose opportunities).
- Improve keywords or creatives (the images to display).
local advertising
Internet is very big. And if you don't have a presence, it's like you don't exist. However, if your business is physical, local advertising is equally or more important because you need to make people visit you in person and make you attractive.
Well, with Microsoft Advertising you can do local SEM. As? The first thing is to ask to be included in the Bing Places for Business, which is a list of local companies so that, when a user searches for a certain business or product, companies near him can appear so that they can visit you.
In fact, Microsoft recommends having location targeting turned on (to know where you are and only nearby users access you); Call visibility, so they can call you, for example because they want to know if you have a certain product.
Metrics and reports
They are documents that will help you to know the performance of the ads and campaigns that you are carrying out. Of course, you have to understand them, since, otherwise, they will not be of any use to you. But you can always count on the help of advice.
Mobile advertising
This is increasingly important, because we are using it more, and at any time, without the need to use a computer.
Therefore, optimizing searches and the appearance of ads through the mobile format can help you reach more people.
What's more, Microsoft is capable of using Siri so that, with an image search, the search engine can be used (and with it that you can appear).
How you pay in Microsoft Advertising
One of the key points that you surely want to know is regarding paying Microsoft Advertising to appear.
Their system is based on cost per click (CPC). To do this, you use your money so that the ads you create appear in the search engine when a user does a search based on the keywords for which you have bid and won.
Now, not every time you show up you're going to pay. You don't actually get paid until that user clicks on the ad.
Therefore, we can say that:
- Microsoft wants many to click, because it is the way he has to charge. Hence, it offers all possible help to make your ad attractive.
- You want the ad to work and give you visibility as well as an increase in your traffic to your eCommerce.
How to get started with Microsoft Advertising
Finally, and if you want to try using this tool, here are the steps you have to follow:
- Create your account. It is essential to be able to operate. To do this, you need an email and some information such as your name, your business, telephone number, location, use of the account...
- Create an advertising campaign. You will have to fill out a form giving the campaign a name, a location, language, keywords, budget... Or, if what you want is to repeat one that you have in Google Ads, you can import it directly (and not have to fill it all out again).
- Choose the keywords. Some will already be suggested to you at the moment you put the url, but you can also add (or delete) the ones you want.
- Create ads. As a tip, do not forget to put the main keyword in the text. And also remember a call to action. In Microsoft Advertising you have three types of ads: responsive (ideal for mobile devices), expanded text ad, and app install ad.
- Budget. Finally, you can adjust your budget, choosing what is the most you are going to spend or even spend daily, weekly or monthly. Be careful with this lest you configure it incorrectly and end up having to pay more than you expected.
Did you know Microsoft Advertising?