One of the main questions that everyone faces when it comes to E-commerce it is; Is it profitable set up an e-business in Spain? It is a common question and it can affect anyone, so in this article you will learn that the simple answer is: yes, it is profitable.
Why should I create an Ecommerce business?
Special studies have been carried out and consequently it has been determined that at least 69% of the Ecommerce businesses in Spain have been declared profitable in 2014. This may depend on the way you run your e-business, the type of Ecommerce that you manage and the sales that you sustain.
It has been determined that Medium-sized ecommerce are the most successful, of which 90% have had profitability. In the case of small ecommerce, the figure drops drastically to 52% of profitable online sales sites. For their part, large ecommerce have a 67% profitability in them.
Here we can find an interesting fact; Because the Large ecommerce they only have a 67% profitability? This can be interpreted in different ways and one of the big reasons for this figure may be the fact that large ecommerce requires a greater investment than small or medium-sized ones.
An important point to consider when talking about profitability is that of loyalty. Loyalty is when buyers make transactions on your site more than once, that is, they become loyal to your brand and become casual buyers. To achieve this, it is important to implement sales strategies to appeal to buyers, such as giving special and personalized offers, treating our customers in a good way and generally providing a good purchasing service.