Is it possible to set up an ecommerce in 24 hours? Necessary steps to achieve it

set up ecommerce

E-commerce is here to stay. More and more companies create their sales portals on the Internet as a necessary action in the business strategy, both to increase its direct turnover and to spread the brand. There are many steps that must be followed to form an ecommerce, such as choosing the domain or opening an online account. Having previously established the objectives and knowing the administrative procedures is essential to start the business on the Internet on the right foot.

Choose a good domain

In logistics matters, choosing the domain is the first step. It is a very important decision, since it will be the web address that is associated with the sale of the product and it will be linked from the social networks of the company itself. Usually a domain related, directly or indirectly, with the name or sector of the company is used. There are very beneficial domains from the point of view of positioning, since they can result in the first searches on Google within a specific sector, simply by the mere fact of having the right name.

choose domain

Chosen and bought the domain, there to configure the website, that is, the portal of the online store where the products are published and sold. The development and design has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years thanks to the factor of continuous updating and adaptation to the demands of the users that the Internet has. In this step of the ecommerce creation, you must include the purchase of a hosting, which is the space where the website will be hosted. The capacity and power, as well as other functionalities, will depend on the volume of articles and visits on the web.

The next procedure is the opening of a banking space on the Internet, that is, you have to make the decision to open account online where will the money obtained from sales go. There are companies specialized in creating online accounts for companies, fully adapted to the digital world and with the advantages of other physical banks, such as the Qonto account for SMEs. They are accounts that have IBANs and from which it is possible to carry out all kinds of operations. The user can also request Mastercard cards to make their purchases and operations, whether physical or virtual.

Payment Methods

payment gateways

The installation of the payment methods is a matter linked to the creation of the online bank account and is an essential step for electronic commerce to work. Is about those payment methods that will be allowed on the portal and that are developed through a payment gateway. The options are many, since it not only covers the numerous types of cards, where those of exclusively virtual banks are gaining prominence; rather, it includes virtual payment platforms such as Paypal.

The leading platform for the installation of the payment methods in an online store is Shopify, a company specialized in electronic commerce that offers a fast and efficient process at this point. As a platform to achieve this in record time, we must talk about hosted ecommerce platforms such as Shopify. The advantage of its method is the inclusion of hosting and a very intuitive handling. In addition, it guarantees with total certainty the safety of all parties in each purchase process.

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