Aha, is the largest online shopping site in Iceland, has partnered with the Israeli company Flytrex to expand your shipping options. Using drones as a delivery system, the Aha company can now ship products in 2 parts of the city of Reykjavik which is separated by an extensive river.
To deploy drones from Flytrex It will shorten delivery times and costs very significantly. Typically, Aha uses vans to deliver products to certain addresses in the city of Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland.
Now use drones which travel a single route over the bay. An AHA employee will deploy, for example, a shipping order, in a drone center near a restaurant, then he will deposit the package in a second center near the client where an employee can deliver it on foot or simply by bicycle.
In the near future, AHA will make its delivery orders with drones that are equipped with cables which will be able to lower the package and deliver it safely to the consumer.
The drone, which can carry packages weighing 3 kilograms, can do in 4 minutes what a car would do in 25 minutes in severe traffic. For now, the system is making one delivery at a time, but multiple deliveries are possible, and may be in the future.
Aha focuses on drone delivery service not as a pilot project, but as a permanent service offered by Iceland's online marketplace. Flytrex and Aha have received regular approval from the Icelandic Transit Authority to carry out the delivery of food and different products from stores and restaurants to their respective consumers within the city of Reykjavik.