How to create a return policy in your eCommerce

How to create a return policy in your eCommerce

If you are going to set up an eCommerce, you not only have to worry about having products that are sold, but also that the shipments arrive correctly, and as quickly as possible to the customers. The problem is that everything does not end there, because you must know how to create a return policy in your eCommerce. In other words, what must be done if the product that reaches the customer does not want it or does not work for him.

This, which seems so easy, is actually not so easy. And that is why today we are going to focus on it so that you understand everything that influences it and how to make it for your store.

What is a return policy

What is a return policy

Let's make it clear what a return policy. When you have a store, whether physical or online, you need to know what to do if a customer wants to return a product to you. Do you accept them all? Only the ones that are defective? How will the return be?

All these questions, and many others, are a way of establishing a clear company policy towards customers. In other words, you're telling customers what if they don't like or want the product they receive.

Therefore, we could define a return policy as that internal regulations that your business follows towards customers who request a return or exchange of products they have received.

Although it may seem easy, the truth is that it is not. There are many points to take into account and here you always have to put yourself on the customer's side to resolve doubts and make them very clear. Why? So that the clients themselves are aware of how you have organized your business, the good, but also the bad.

Why create a return policy in your eCommerce

Why create a return policy in your eCommerce

If you look at many online businesses, some have a return policy; others directly ignore it and then proceed one way or another when they have a request or request from their clients. But in practically no eCommerce has it occurred to them to put a link and notice on the purchase pages talking about returns.

And it is that users, when we go to buy something, we don't usually look at each and every page. Moreover, when we see too much text we pass on it. And it shouldn't.

¿It is advisable to have a page with the return policy? Completely. But also place it both in a visible one (which is normally located in the footer) and in the purchase process (before accepting and paying). Why? saves you trouble; it is true that it can make the user think about it, but also that they see transparency on the part of the company.

In general, having a return policy helps you:

  • be more transparent. Because you are applying the same code to each and every one of the clients. Regardless, you want to offer "something more" to some more loyal customers.
  • Establish the conditions of online purchases. Because by not being able to physically return it in this way, you make it clear that, if something is wrong with the product, the steps to follow are those that are established.
  • The fact that they exist. When you have to make a purchase and see that the money is not returned, many back down because, what if it is not good for them? What if it doesn't work? What if it is not what was ordered? By having this policy they can buy more calmly.

Note that every customer has the right to get their money back under the right of commercial withdrawal. And that it is something obligatory that everyone has to abide by. That is, even if you say that you do not return the money, customers have the right to that return.

Specifically, every customer has 14 calendar days to return the product without giving an explanation. However, if it is an online return, the customer bears the shipping costs (as long as you have previously specified it, if not, it is possible that your eCommerce will have to bear it). Of course, if you had also charged the shipping costs, you are obliged to return them. And all this in a within 14 calendar days.

How to create a return policy in your eCommerce

How to create a return policy in your eCommerce

When writing a good return policy, the main thing you should keep in mind is that it is understood. It is useless for you to get very technical or to cite legislation, articles and others because, if they don't find out, they won't run the risk of buying from you. You need make it understandable for your customers, and always in writing, and visible, so that they see that you will treat all requests equally (and that there will be no "friends" or that some get more than others).

That said, we recommend for a moment that you think like a customer. What can happen when an order is received?

  • come broken.
  • Not what we had asked for.
  • want a change.
  • That it does not serve us for what we wanted.
  • that is not worth us.
  • ...

There are many reasons why a customer will want to return a product, including the commercial withdrawal, that is, that he does not give you explanations to return it.

And you have to attend to all of them. So if you specify them in the return policy, much better.

What else should you take into account? Important aspects such as:

  • Items that can be returned and others that cannot. For example, if they are food or fresh things (a cake, a loaf of bread of the day...) it is more complicated. Be careful, that does not mean that you do not return the money.
  • Items that can be exchanged. Because not everyone can have a spare.
  • Deadline for returns. That is, how long the person has to return it.
  • Conditions for returning items: with or without label, as they came in the box, without having been used...
  • How the money will be returned: refund, money back, store credit…
  • Procedures to start the return.

You have it all? So let's get to work.

  • The first will be create a page on your website exclusively for the return policy of your eCommerce.

You can take a return policy template from the Internet and adapt it to your eCommerce or write it from scratch. We recommend the second option because it is something more personal.

Keep in mind that you have to answer all the questions that we have discussed before and those that may affect your business.

  • Set the protocol in each case, as well as the terms, term and cost of that return (Even if it's free, specify it).
  • be as open as possible, and make clear everything that has to do with product and money returns, because only then will you have a suitable page and, when managing clients, you will be able to make your position clear (which was before you bought) . Of course, do not change the conditions when a client takes the "win" to avoid it; it is preferable to accept the mistake and then change the rules so that it does not happen again, but the opposite would be to act in bad faith.
  • Place the link to that page at various points on the web: Footer or footer, on the FAQ page if you have, on the product pages, in the shopping cart and in the payment. Most only put it in 1-2 places, but not all of them. Our recommendation? Footer, product page and payment.

Do you still have doubts about how to create a return policy in your eCommerce? Ask us.

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