How to create a good online sales strategy


When you set up an online business, the normal thing is that you want it to go well from the first moment. But sometimes this is not so easy. That's why, How about we explain how to create a good online sales strategy?

If you want to know what are the most important aspects you should pay attention to, and above all what you should focus your efforts on to achieve success, pay attention to the following.

How to create a good online sales strategy

Strategies to increase your online sales

When creating a good online sales strategy, it is not enough to think of ideals. It is very nice to have a document with all the things you are going to do and that everything will always turn out well. But in reality, companies don't always have an upline.

Poorly planned strategies, not having a plan B, making mistakes when carrying it out... There are many factors that can influence a good strategy. So how to create it?

Here we leave you the basic steps that you should follow to achieve it. They are valid for any sector, so it will not be difficult for you to extrapolate it to your own business. Next we will talk about them.

Internal analisis

When your online business has not yet been created, there is not much you should analyze about your business, because in reality it does not exist yet.

But if it's been a while and what you need is to know what your current situation is in order to reverse it through a good online sales strategy, So you do have to investigate, objectively, how your situation is.

That is, you will have to answer questions such as what is the sales cycle, which customers buy repeatedly, which products sell more or less, how much has been sold, conversion rates...

All this will help you to have a general vision of the state of your company, and from this you will identify problems as well as possibilities for improvement.

External analysis

online business

The next step to create a good online sales strategy is to analyze the competition. It is true that here you will not have as much data as yours, especially since you will not be able to see data on sales, conversions... But there are ways to see what your competitors are doing.

Tools like Ahrefs, Semrush… They help you to analyze the domain of the competitors, to know which pages are the most visited... And the same happens with social networks, if they have an email marketing strategy, types of products or services...

This analysis, together with the previous one, will take you a lot of time, but it will be worth it because you will have a deep knowledge of the market where you want to trade.

your ideal client

One of the main aspects when creating a business (physical or digital) is the ideal customer, or buyer persona. It is that user who is interested in your products or services.

And it is that, sometimes, it is thought that setting up a business and wanting to sell has to be to everyone, when in reality it is not. We give you a very enlightening example. Imagine that you are going to set up a toy store for babies from zero to one year old. If you have no idea of ​​your ideal client, surely you think that you can sell to mothers and fathers with children, to singles, to the elderly... Because after all, at some point they will come across babies. But is that really how it sells? Is a single person, without children, going to be interested in what you have? Unless you have to give a gift, you can, but it would only be once.

Instead, If you focus your efforts on people with small children, things would change. Because you are directly targeting those who could use what you have.

For this, it is important that you believe what the ideal customer profile is, their age, gender, occupation, income level, what pain points they have, objections and desires. All of this will help you create the messages you need to reach them.

Objectives and competitive advantage

buy online

You are going to set up an online business, or you already have one. But what goals do you have? If you tell us what it is to sell and be number one, that's fine, but that's just a general goal. You need to have some smaller ones that you can get your hands on. That is, you need specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and temporary objectives.

For example, we already tell you that it is okay to sell. But you can set yourself a goal of selling 30% more in a period of three months. And now you have it more specific. If you also add a type of product, it is even more specific.

As for the competitive advantage, it focuses on knowing what it is that you offer that is different from the others: a type of product, delivery, payment method, pricing model... Something that only you do in a certain way.

MIX strategy

In this step or section you will include everything that has to do with your product, prices, communication and distribution. You will see:

  • In the products, You must analyze what you sell, what you offer to customers, drawing out their strong and weak points (if you have many, you can do it by category).
  • In the prices you will establish a pricing strategy appraising each item and establishing if it is possible to improve the price at certain times, by how much and for what time.
  • In the case of communication, would not only be social networks, but also the texts on the web as well as the way to communicate with customers, the email marketing strategy... For this, a very suitable document would be the Verbal Identity Manual.
  • Lastly, distribution, that is, how you are going to send the products or services: packaging, steps to receive the product, etc.


Finally, when creating a good online sales strategy you need to have tools with which you can measure the results. Reports, KPI applications, meetings and control are some important keys that must be included in the document.

Now that you know how to create a good online sales strategy, you just have to take the time to follow those steps that we have given you and, thus, achieve a change in your digital business. What if that's what you were needing to succeed?

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