German retailers investigate customization


Personalization is essential for German retailers. Many of them are looking to invest in customization solutions this year, with more than half of them expecting to spend a little over a million euros to achieve this.

That is one of the main conclusions for GermanyOnline, a report of eTail Germany. Opalic conducted a study for the Worldwide Business and surveyed the top 100 executives from large German retailers. All of these surveys showed that they are looking to invest in personalization solutions in the next twelve months.

Most of them, 56 percent of them to be precise, said that they are planning to invest more than one million euros, while 7 percent of them plan to invest between 750,000 and one million euros, while a quarter of respondents (23 percent) are planning to invest between 500,000 and 749,999 euros in solutions for personalization. And finally 14 percent plan to spend more than 250,000 euros, but less than 499,999 euros on this.

Opalic also asked the retail executives which is what they did to motivate consumers online. Most retailers made use of the basics: they motivate users to create online profiles, they save customer card details for repetitive shopping, and they also give access to various delivery options. More than half of the respondents in the same way integrated user-generated content and displayed personalized recommendations for each user. Almost 40 percent gave personalized offers to their customers.

Personalization is definitely one of the ecommerce points that we have overlooked, but definitely one of the most important and difficult to incorporate, since the website must personalize the content for each user.

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