Buyers highly value transit information

ecommerce buyers

The online buyers are more satisfied with their returns, but still overall buyer satisfaction with returns is 67 percent, which is much lower than the satisfaction of online deliveries which is 85 percent. Online retailers should offer returns services that are convenient, while also being able to provide better transit information to their customers about their orders.

It is one of the conclusions drawn from a online delivery retailer study and consumer expectations, which were released by “IMRG”. Overall consumer satisfaction with line delivery is still somewhat stable, at 85 percent this year, but has shown several marginal increases in recent years. Customer satisfaction with returns also increased, from 61 percent last year to 67 percent, but still lags 20 percent behind satisfaction with deliveries.

According to Andrew Starker, head of "E-logistics" at IMRGReturns are complex and potentially expensive for the online retailer, and this must be handled with care. “In the second quarter, we noticed a big increase in the return average to 23 percent, which is the largest that has been in the past seven years since we started.

The consumers want predictability, in deliveries and communication throughout the life of their product on the way, said Nigel Doust, director of operations for BluJay Solutions, which is backed by several studies. "There is a constantly growing requirement which provides information and transparency to the processes that are carried out throughout the product delivery process."

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