Some time ago, coaching became very fashionable. In practically all areas it was used, even in the case of companies. But, Have you ever wondered what business coaching is? What does it consist of and what are the benefits it applies to a company?
If you haven't heard of it, or you've done it but you thought it's silly or that it doesn't work for a company, maybe after reading this you can change your mind. Below we give you a small guide so that you understand it and know what it would be worth for your eCommerce.
What is business coaching
Let's start by defining what business coaching is. And this is closely related to companies because the objective is the workers of a company. What this discipline does is improve the performance, motivation and efficiency of employees, in such a way that each one is helped to identify what obstacles they have (both personally and at work) to overcome them and thus be better.
In other words, business coaching focuses on improving the performance and creativity of workers in such a way that they feel better, both personally and professionally, so that they can work with more energy and desire (something that, to times, it is lost over time).
Characteristics of business coaching
Once you know well what business coaching is, Have you ever wondered about the characteristics that define this discipline (and the professional who carries it out). The main ones are the following:
There is no single method
In the sense that the same processes cannot be applied to different companies. For example, you cannot apply an approach to a diet company than to a children's company. Each company will have different goals, workers and a way of doing things. So, when working on coaching in them, the entire company must be analyzed, as well as the workers, to develop a strategy that is useful for the objectives that the company wants to achieve.
The relationship between coach and workers must be adequate
Imagine that in your company you get a coach. But what you are wanting is to leave the company and you are trying to do interviews and others outside to see if they call you from another job.
As much as the coach tries to help you, you are not involved in the company, which means that you are not going to pay much attention to him because the last thing you want is to continue in that job.
On the other hand, imagine that the workers who are there do feel part of the company and what you want is to improve because that way it will have a positive impact on you. That's what it means. For everything to go well, it is necessary for the coach to be available to the workers and for both to be involved. Although the coach will be a leader and the person who will be above others, that does not mean that he should be insensitive or not think about the workers; You will be available for information, for questions, even to talk about failures and guide you towards the next step.
Shared responsibility
What something goes wrong? It will not only be the fault of the person who has failed, but also of the coach. Of course, it does not mean that then it is over and that's it. Sometimes, in defeats, there is also knowledge and opportunities to try again. That is why the coach is that he has to be attentive to extract the positive from the negative and, from there, move forward.
A coach is not really a person who is going to tell you what to do, but is by your side working as much or more than you do so that you realize that if he can do it, you can do it too if you follow the steps he gives you. .
First of all, respect
Many times it is thought that coaches are people who are going to tell you what to do, as if you were a robot, and what you will always have to do to succeed. But really it's not so. There is a respect for the unique characteristics of each person.
In other words, it does not seek to change your personality in order to be more efficient, but to give you the tools so that, depending on who you are, you can increase your performance and achieve everything you set your mind to. But always respecting your values, those of the company and even their own.
Benefits of business coaching
We know that applying business coaching is not something easy to do, nor is it cheap. Obviously, to carry it out it is necessary to have workers, although You could consider it if you are an entrepreneur and you need to be clear about everything you must do and how to do it to get the best performance for you.
But what if you invest in this knowledge? Well, you will get a series of benefits such as the following:
Increase productivity
Not only do we say it, but the International Coaching Federation itself talks about the results that make companies increase their productivity by 70%.
And, when a good business training is carried out, workers may be able to know what to do to achieve the objectives that are set for them in the most efficient way possible, without tiring yourself physically, mentally or emotionally.
This means that workers will be more competent and will do the job more easily, feeling more relaxed, calm and above all, more successful.
Discover workers' innate capabilities
That's right, because by getting to know people, knowing their fears, and their abilities, he is also able to find talents in them that can be developed and, with it, improve both his personal and professional life.
Obviously, he is not one of those who will say that he has a talent and that's it; Business coaching is in charge of opening those doors, showing you the way to support you in following it and, thus, reaching that goal.
Increase performance
Not only the performance of the workers, but also they will be more motivated for the work, for the challenges and for the day to day. They will be able to work with other people, they will be able to leave their ego behind and cooperate as a team with other colleagues., avoiding internal competition so that there is a good balance between them.
Identify the problems
And who says problems, says fears, insecurities... The objective of business coaching is to bring out the best in workers and for this, they must know what slows down their performance to try to remedy it so that they overcome it and, in this way, to improve their development.
In fact, sometimes all this does is make people change their attitude, become more motivated, loyal, etc.
Has it become clearer to you now what business coaching is?