Advantages and disadvantages of electronic commerce

advantages and disadvantages

This list will help you look further and develop your own perspective on the true value of e-commerce - for businesses and consumers. Interestingly, there are many advantages for consumers that could actually be a disadvantage for ecommerce businesses.

  • Advantage: no standing in long lines to make a purchase
    For customers, this is one of the most popular conveniences of e-commerce.
  • Disadvantage: lack of personal touch
    I miss the personal touch and the relationship that develops with a retail store. By comparison, e-commerce is far more sterile.
  • Advantage and disadvantage: it is easier to compare prices
    There are several shopping search engines and shopping comparison websites that help consumers find the best prices. While buyers love this, sellers find it too restrictive, as many of them manage to be filtered out of the consumer's overall consideration.
  • Advantage: access to stores located far from the buyer
    Especially for people who are not located in the main urban centers, this can be a great advantage. Similarly, e-commerce opens up new markets for e-commerce businesses.
  • Disadvantage: inability to test the product before purchase
    There are many products that consumers want to touch, feel, hear, taste and smell before buying. Ecommerce takes away that luxury.
  • Advantage: no need for a physical warehouse
    Since there is no need for a physical store, ecommerce businesses save on one of the biggest overhead that retailers have to bear.
  • Disadvantage: need for an internet access device
    Ecommerce can only be done with the help of an Internet access device, such as a computer or a smartphone.
  • Advantage: many options
    Since there are no shelf size or store size limitations, ecommerce companies are able to list many different items.

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      LiNoX said

    suck me 8 === D

      luisa fernanda cedeno moon said

    this concept is very mediocre