EBay: "this Cyber ​​Monday was the biggest sales day in our history"

Cyber ​​Monday

The sales of this Cyber ​​Friday in the United States have been the strongest that have been presented in the entire history of online sales, Amazon says that this weekend of Black Friday has been the strongest to date, instead eBay has just announced that it has not only been a weekend of great sales, but that it has been the day in which they have had the most sales in their 22-year history in the e -commerce.

The statistics that it offers us eBay about its sales numbers it is not very complete, like the one that Amazon offers us; Instead of giving us exact numbers, they just give us some interesting facts, for example: "A Tablet was sold every 7 seconds" or "A Star Wars item was sold every 6 seconds."

Although these data are very interesting, they do not show us very useful information, but they do tell us about the way in which the site has evolved in the past couple of decades, from becoming a small auction site to being a company of sales at its best.

Although eBay is still known as primarily an auction site, however, the company has reported that only 19% of its sales actually belonged to the auction area in 2017. This Cyber ​​Monday it is a confirmation of this company's shift toward sales, and demonstrates to the public the company's ability to position itself with big names like Amazon and Best Buy as the primary source for online purchases of electronics, clothing and many other items.

Another interesting aspect of this weekend of online sales has been the proportion of purchases on mobile devices, which also shows us the changes that e-commerce holds for the future.

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